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-The Jinping hydroelectric project consists of 2 dams, the Jinping 1 and 2.

-Considered an engineering wonder of the modern world

-2005 to 2014


-The Yalong River - a tributary of the longest river in China, the Yangtze River

-The province of Sichuan, China

-Sichuan Province has the highest

population among chinese

provinces at 810 million people

Yalong river

-Hydroelectric energy is produced by the force of falling water.

Economic benefits

-Based on height and flow of the water

-Building up behind a high dam, water accumulates potential energy.

-Transformed to mechanical energy when the water rushes down and rotates the turbines.

-Turbines spin electomagnets which generates current.

-Building the dam created jobs for 9 years.

-permanent jobs created estimated to be 2000.

-technical workers are recruited locally.

Environmental impact

Physical layout



-305m tall

-565m long

-The tallest dam

-reinforced concrete wall, arched to withstand the huge weight of water.

The End

-Fuel not burned

-Water provided by nature

-Decreased greenhouse gas emissions

-Renewable (rainfall)

-Doesn't pollute water or air

-Reservoir induced seismicity (earthquakes)

Negative impact of the Jinping 1 dam

Crested Ibid

Golden monkey


Effect on wildlife


-Flooding of land and wildlife habitat

-Fish habitat loss or modification

-Fish passage restriction

-Displacement of local populations

-May change water temperature and water flow harming native plants and animals

Social and Political impact

-7500 relocated - often with little compensation

-China has been growing and requires more energy consumption.

-It has helped the ruling class (the communist party) to solve power shortage for the Eastern regions of China.

-irrigation of farmland can be affected downstream casing problems for the farming industry

Thanks for listening

Energy production

Its power station has 3600MW capacity to produce between 16 and 18 billion KW-h annually.

-If you have a 100W bulb and if it is used for 1 hour, it will consume 100Wh.

-With a 3600 MW power plant you can light

36 000 000 bulbs of 100W

The roll of the Jinping 1

-Supply energy for expanding industrialization. Rural Sichuan is very backward and isolated.

-Urbanization - with the power plant, modern towns can come into existence.

-flood protection- the dam can regulate the flow of the river.

-prevent erosion- Sichuan is known for its soil and rock erosion

The Jinping 1 Hydroelectric Dam

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