What are some ways composers can use dynamics to show emotion in their pieces?
- What are some examples of articulation?
- How can a composer use articulation to express emotion?
- Let's list some tempos!
- How can a composer use tempo to get an idea across?
Types of Texture:
- Monophonic: One melodic line
- Homophonic: Melody and accompaniment moving together
- Polyphonic: Independent voices
How can texture help a composer express emotion?
How can composers use timbre to express and idea or emotion?
What are the 5 expressive elements of music?
Expressive Elements of Music
- The tone color or quality of sound
- What makes instruments sound different from one another
- A violin and a trumpet have different timbres
- Texture is the way the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition (the layers)
- Often described in regard to the density, or thickness, and range of the piece
- Tempo is the speed or pace with which we play a piece
- Dynamics are how loud or soft we play
- Articulation is how we play a note and transition from one note to another