Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music
Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM)
- Western Classical Music
- WHY?
"GIM is the conscious use of imagery which has been evoked by relaxation and music to effect self-understanding and personal growth process into individual" (Bonny, 1979)
Steps of BMGIM
- Preliminary Conversation
- Induction
- Music Listening
- Post-session Integration
- Recovery
Effects of BMGIM
- Depression, PTSD, anxiety, cancer, bipolar disorder.
- Not for people with schizophrenia
- Blake (1994) provide a safe and controlled environment for veterans with combat-related PTSD to access their emotion and memories.
- McKinney et al. (1995) stated that GIM intervention reduce depression level fr healthy individuals.
Further Recommendation
- Why does it work
- Participant's experiences and perspectives in GIM