"Blackberry Eating"
by Galway Kinnell
~No Rhyme
~One Stanza
~Fourteen Line
~Free Verse
~First and Last
line repeat
Author's Message
Blackberry Eating
By Galway Kinnell
Mood- Cheerful
Title- "Blackberry Eating"
Suggests- People eating Blackberries
Powerful Lines- Lines 9 & 10
Line 9-"As words sometimes do, certain peculiar words/
Line 10- like strengths and squinched"
Main Point- The man describes how he feels about the blackberries.
Stanza 1~
It describes the feeling the author gets from picking Blackberries and described the feeling he got from eating them.
Challenging Words
Poetic Devices
Unbidden- Not bidden; not inviting
~Lines 2, 4, 7, 12
~Lines 10, 12, 13
~Line 4
~"fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries"
~"squeeze, squinch open, and splurge well"
~"Stalks very prickly, a penalty"
Peculiar- Strange
Splurge- to indulge oneself
Presentation by Mackenzie Frederick