- Scientific Software Development
- Numerical Simulations using: FEM, FVM and Discontinuous Galerkin FEM.
- Auto adaptive mesh refinement (H, P and HP).
- Parallel Computing.
- User Interface development using C++, C#, Delphi, Java.
- Object Oriented Programming.
- Optimization.
- Engineer solutions.
- Design Tools
- CAD / CAE applications automation .
- Continuous Mechanic.
Oil & Gas Related
- Numerical Simulators
- Expert Tools
- Consulting
- Studies
Thank you for your time.
Questions ?
Contact: see www.simworx.com.br
Sand Production Control Design
- Expert tool for Sand Production Control design.
- MS Excel file handling.
- Granulometry Analysis charts.
- MS Excel integration for input and output.
- Hints a solution with detailed specifications.
User Interface
Analysis and Design of Well test operations.
Fracture geometry model: Petrobras proprietary.
Implements Analysis and Design of Pressure Test operations.
Fracture operations:
Expert tool for analysis and design for Hydraulic Fracture operations.
User Interface
- Cenpes/Petrobras development
- SimWorx maintenance and extension
- Simulates gravel-packing operation.
- Mechanistic model
- Pressure calculation:
- with constant flow pump
- imposing flow table
- with variable flow (limited to fracture pressure)
- through pressure program (limited to fracture pressure)
- Pressure calculation with variable flow
- Divertive Acids
- Injection Table
- 3D Flux model(coupled well and reservoir)
- Lots of completion options + sliding sleeve operations.
- Permeability and Damage along the well.
- Horizontal and Vertical wells.
Post processing application for three dimensional scanners.
- Assessment of Acid Fracture conductivity
- Implements models for determination of:
- Roughness
- Channeling
- Surface analysis
- Integrates VTK component
User Interface
- Fracture Geometry: Petrobras proprietary model.
- Filtration Model:
- Carter,
- Perkins & Gonzales
Black Oil and Thermal coupled simulator.
BOTh – Black Oil Thermal
- 3D coupled bi-phase flow and enthalpy transport
- Hybrid kernel with FEM, FVM and DGM methods
- Developed for intelligent completions design activities
- Reduced processing time
- Easy to use:
- Parametrized, user hidden mesh building
- Unstructured meshes
- Horizontal and Vertical Wells;
- Reservoir stress anisotropy;
- Water injection with temperature effect
- Time dependent injection table (Injection Schedule);
- Time dependent results for:
- Fracture Geometry: Length, width, height;
- Bottom and Surface pressures;
- Impedance and Injectivity (before and after propagation);
- dQ/ds through fracture length;
Wrapping Up
Skills, capabilities, tools, knowledge.
Data assessment
- Numerical Methods
- Numerical simulators implementation.
- Unstructured meshes.
- Parallel Applications
- Numerical studies.
- Development, evaluation and validation of mathematical formulations.
- Strong Numerical Methods background.
- Engineering graduation with emphasis on Computational Mechanics.
- 10 years dedicated to O&G related projects.
- Deep Object Oriented background.
Integrated CAD
VTK with Paraview
Pre / Post processing:
- Embedded in the Aplicação.
- Via Paraview
- AutoCAD
- MS Office
- Data exchange with MS Office applications.
Integrated VTK
Multi morphology
Optimization techniques.
Genetic Algorithms.
Augmented Lagrange.
Parametric studies: sensitivity analysis and field data uncertainties.
Combines elements of different dimensions
In 3D simulation it is possible to use 2 and 1 d elements as well.
Fracture elements are 2D elements in a 3D well simulations.
A Horizontal well is represented as a 1D element.
Reduces computational demand.
- Works as an ICD tool.
- Multiple Permeability regions can be considered.
- Computes the optimal perforation rate and hints the best solution given a set of available screens/liners.
- Liner / Screen selectively perforated.
- Holes or Slots.
Prediction of Well Productivity Index in Matrix Acidizing Operations.
- Matrix Acidizing operation simulator
- Carbonate formations
- Acidizing for stimulation
- Coupled well / reservoir and chemical numerical model
- Wormholes formation and evolution
- Acid front prediction
Matrix - UI
- Divertive Acids
- Injection Table
- 3D Flux model(coupled well and reservoir)
- Lots of completion options + sliding sleeve operations.
- Permeability and Damage along the well.
- Horizontal and Vertical wells.
- Hybrid 3D simulator (FEM/DGFEM/FVM)
- Well and Reservoir coupling.
- Flux distribution per well length.
- Selective perforation solution validation (Prodiv integrated)
- Reservoir permeability heterogeneity.
- Completion type: stand alone, gravel pack, cased hole completion.
- Annular barriers.
- Horizontal and Vertical (also fractured) wells.
- Multi fractured horizontal wells
- Inclined wells
- Gas flow
Precise Modeling.
Curved elements:
Exact geometry description with reduced number of elements.
Precise Modeling
Curved elements:
Exact geometry description with reduced number of elements
The required dimension for each medium:
Multi-dimensions mesh
Uniform / Directional refinement.
Radial direction is the direction of interest. Refinement occurs only in that direction.
Mesh Refinement
Integrated technologies
- H, P and HP mesh adaptivity
- Multi-morphology
- Multi-dimensional
- Curved elements
- Directional mesh adaptivity
- Parallel computing
- Combined FEM/DGFEM/FVM kernel
User Interface
IP3D - Tests