Google and the YouTube Acquisition
Background Introduction
- users: amateurs to media companies
- function: single to multiple
- especially video-searching function
Q2: What was Google hoping to achieve by acquiring YouTube?
- 4Ps - Place
- 4Ps - Production
- Copyright conflict
Thanks for listening!
Channel function
- To users: make it easier for users to find what they wanna watch or a series of their interested videos.
- To advertisers: concentrate on the most popular channel, this can make their investment more efficient and specific.
Right model
From its business model, we can know:
YouTube maintains user’s benefit and meets advertiser’s needs
- Google’s acquisition of YouTube is to make profit
- But the advertising profit decrease
- Google is not worried about it, they have some ways to deal with it.
Q3: Which features create the most value for both users and advertisers?
- Right model direction
- Channel function
For Users:
For Content Providers
Q4: In terms of creating value for its users and content providers, how does YouTube compare with traditional channels? Explain your answer in terms of benefits, reduced costs, or a combination of these factors.
Case Analysis
Four Orientations
- Production
- Sales
- Market
- Value-Based Marketing
Q1: According to the breakdown in Exhibit 1.5, which of the four orientations best describes YouTube?
YouTube's Business Model
Value-based Marketing
We can learn:
What Google Faces
- Customers can perform the keyword to search for relevant items.
- Customers can search for video by the individual poster’s name.
- YouTube can get profit by customers browse advertising.
- Companies want make profit from marketing
- Customers want products and services that meet their specific needs and wants or at a competitive price.
- PVAs (participatory video ads)
- problem: profit decreasing
- to solve: expand its reach to traditional media
- conflict: copy right
In 2006, Google purchased YouTube.
Q5: Visit the YouTube Web site and try some of its features. How can advertisers maximize the potential YouTube offers?
Use Channel
Q6: What risks do advertisers face if they choose to use YouTube?
- Background Introduction
- Case Analysis
Group Members
Winni 1230600087 Y2 ACCT
Mario 1230600098 Y2 ACCT
Barry 1030500044 Y4 STAT
Lucy 1030700018 Y4 GIR
Stanly 1230600066 Y2 ACCT
Google and the YouTube Acquisition