Welcome to the Hogwarts Awards Ceremony
Hosted by Albus Dumbledore
First Award Goes to the best Quidditch keeper
And the winner is
Oliver Wood, Gryffindor
The next award goes to the meanest professer
Professer Snape
Professer Snape
Professer Snape
and Professer Snape
You guessed it
Professer Snape
The third award goes to the most fanciest dresser
Nominees are :
Xenophilius Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
Madame Maxime
Narcissa Malfoy
And the winner is
Xenophilius Lovegood
Now I will ask Mrs. Weasley to present the next award.
Thank You, thank you.
For the next award, SIT DOWN MALFOY, sorry, the next award is for smartest student in Hogwarts.
Oliver Wood, Gryffindor
Herbert Fleet, Hufflepuff
Miles Bletchley, Slytherin
and Grant Page, Ravenclaw