Tissue Concept Map
Histology: The study of Tissue
Tissue: Composed of multiple cells working together to preform on function
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Helps the body become motile, provides cells that give flexibility to provide movement for the body.
Connective Tissue
Epithelial Tissue
Internal communication for the body and transmits impulses for coordination, regulation, integration, and sensory reception. (The remote control for the body)
Mammal smooth muscle
Function: Heart movements
function: Voluntary movements of skeletal parts
Function: Involuntary movements of internal organs
Generates and conduct nerve impulses, senses changes in the environment, initiate responses to those changes, and also regulates to maintain homeostasis.
Provides and promotes protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion for the body. (liners of the body)
Bind, support, protect, fill spaces, store fat, and produce blood cells for the body. (frame work and fillers)
Nonconducting cells that support, bind, insulate, and protect delicate neurons. Another function they have is connecting blood vessels to supply nutrients to thier fellow nerve cells.
Cerebrum & Cerebellum Human, sec.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Simple columnar Epithelium
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Cells divide in the deeper layers, and newer cells push older ones father outward, where they become flattened. They also form outer layer of the skin.
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Appear stratified or layered but they are not. They commonly have have cilia, which extend from the free surfaces of the cells.
Elongated, single layer of cells whose nuclei are usually located at about the same level, near the basement membrane
Consists of a single layer of thin, flattened cells. These cells fit tightly together, somewhat like floor tiles, and their nuclei are usually broad and thin.
Consists of a single layer of cube-shaped cells. These cells usually have centrally located, spherical nuclei.
Example: Linings of respiratory passage
Examples: Outer layer of skin, linings of oral cavity, throat, vagina, an anal canal.
Example: Linings of uterus, stomach, lungs, fallopian tubes, and intestines.
Function: Secrete mucous and promotes movement along the airways in the lungs
Example: Alveoli, Air sacs of the lungs, walls of capillaries, linings of blood and lymph vessels.
Example: Surface of ovaries, linings of kidney tubules, and linings of ducts of saliva, pancreas and liver glands
Function: Cilia movements and microvilli
Function: Site for diffusion & filtration
Function: Secrete & reabsorb
Connective Tissue Proper
Bone Tissue
Adipose Tissue
Adipose, or fat, is a specialized form of loose connective tissue that develops when certain cells store fat in droplets within their cytoplasm and enlarge.
Forms delicate, thin membranes throughout the body.
Glandular Epithelium
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Cells: Fibroblasts, Fibrocytes, Defense cells and Adipocytes
Transports a varitety of materials between interior body cellsand those that exchange substances with the external environment.
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance; All 3 fiber types:collagen, reticular, and elastic
Transitional Epithelium
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance; All 3 fiber types:collagen, reticular, and elastic
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Hyaline Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
The most common type, has very fine collagenous fibers in its extracellular matrix and looks somewhat like white glass.
Areolar tissue spread film, v&8
Most rigid connective tissue. Its hardness is largely due to mineral salts, such as calcium phosphate an calcium carbonate, between cells.
Very thin collagenous fibers. They are highly branched and form delicate supporting networks in a variety of tissues.
Consists of several layers of cells, and the superficial cells are columnar, whereas the basal layers consist of cuboidal cells.
Composed of cells that are specialized to produce and secrete substances into ducts columnar and cuboidal epithelia, and one or more of these cells constitute a gland.
Contains a dense network of elastic fibers and thus is more flexible than hyaline cartilage.
Cells: Chondroblasts found in growing cartilage, chondrocytes
Specialized to change in response to increase tension. Forms in the inner lining of the urinary bladder and lines the ureters and part of the urethra.
Cells: Fibroblasts, Fibrocytes, Defense cells and Adipocytes
Consists of two or three layers of cuboidal cells that from the lining of a lumen. The more layers, the better the protection.
Matrix:Gel-like ground substance: Fibers: collagen, elastic fibers in some
Cells: Chondroblasts found in growing cartilage, chondrocytes
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance; All 3 fiber types:collagen, reticular, and elastic
Matrix:Gel-like ground substance: Fibers: collagen, elastic fibers in some
Cells: Erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBC),Leukocytes or white blood cells (WBC), Platelets
Dense Connective Tissue
Cells: Osteoblasts, Osteocytes
Elastic Cartilage epiglottis
Examples: Inner lining of urinary bladder and linings of uterus and part of urethra
Examples: Linings of larger ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, pancreas
Composed of a protein called elastin. These fibers are weaker than collagenous fibers, but they stretch easily and can resume their original lengths and shapes.
A very tough tissue, contains many collagenous fibers.
Consists of many closely packed, thick, collagenous fibers and a fine network of elastic fibers.
Examples: Vas deferens, part of the male urethra, parts of the pharynx
Cells: Fibroblasts, Fibrocytes, Defense cells and Adipocytes
Cells: Chondroblasts found in growing cartilage, chondrocytes
Examples: Salivary glands, sweat glands, and endocrine glands
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance; All 3 fiber types: collagen, reticular, and elastic
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance; All 3 fiber types:collagen, reticular, and elastic
Matrix: Plasma,No fibers
Matrix:Gel-like ground substance: Fibers: collagen, elastic fibers in some
Transitional epithelium sec. H&E
Matrix: Gel-like ground substance calcified with in organic salts; fibers: collagen