- Dutch entrepreneurs settled at New Amsterdam in 1623
- However it was seized by the English fleet in 1664
- Settled at Jamestown in 1607
- Settled at Massachusetts Bay in 1630
- Seized Dutch colony in 1664 and had it rechristened in New York as an English colony
- French colonies were established at Port Royal (Nova Scotia) in 1604
- Quebec in 1608
- Settled in Eastern Canada in the 1600 and 1700s
- Traders scouted the St Lawrence, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers
- They had Forts all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico
- Explorers looking for opportunities North of Mexico and the Caribbean
- Established towns, forts and missions from current day Florida to North Virginia (today)
- Scouted the shorelines of of Maine and Newfoundland
- Had forts on Vancouver Island
The Native People
Settlers Relationship with the Natives
- Were made up of dozens of distinct societies
- Many practiced agriculture
- Most relied on hunting
- Migrated between well defined Regions to follow game
- but they never claimed ownership to any of the territories
- Europeans wanted to cultivate forested lands where natives used to travel during migrations
- The availability of fertile farmland attracted 150,000 English migrants and a number of other Spanish, Dutch, and French
- English wanted legal treaties with the natives whose land they were taking
- Natives didn't follow the treaties because they didn't understand or appreciate the English law
- Which caused them to be upset with the English on their land so they would raid farms and villages
Conflict between English and French Settlers and Natives
Colonial Government (French and English)
- Natives resented their presence and intrusion
- Hated their conquests in Mexico and Peru
- Natives didn't respect their treaty with the English
- They revolted so strongly they killed one third of the settlers in the Chesapeake region
- Settlers then got revenge by destroying their fields and villages
- Conflict greatly decreased the Native American population
Life in the Colonies
- Private investors financed the expeditions to Europe
- English colonies were subject to Royal Authority
- They were still able to have their own assemblies
- Were also able to influence the choice of Royal Governors
- At the end of the seven years war (1763) French colony at Quebec fell under British control and began to self-govern
- Relied on Provisions coming on European ships
- Never expected to cultivate crops
- If ships didn't come they were forced to rely on the Natives for crops
- Expected to make their livelihood by producing fur, pitch, tar or lumber, if silver and gold wasn't readily available
- Life was exceptionally difficult
- The winter of 1609-10 it was so cold and they had so little provisions some settlers turned to Cannibalism
Population decrease
- Small pox and conflict took a large toll on the Native American community
- In 1492 the Native Population was between five and ten million
- By 1800 the population had plummeted to 600,000 Natives
- They had been Displaced between 1600-1800 by the Europeans
- This greatly impacted the transformation of the Western Hemisphere
x 5-10 million
x 600,000
- By mid-century the French, English, and Dutch sailed the North Atlantic
- In search for fish and an new Northwest passage to Asia
- Were unable to find a new Northwest passage
- Were able to harvest large amounts of cod from banks off Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New England
- Forced Spanish off of Florida
Settler Colonies in North America
Lizzie Cummings