The greater one horned rhino, also known as the indian rhino is classified by:
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum; Chordata
- Class; Mammalia
- Order: Perissodactyla
- Family: Rhinocerotidae
- Genus: Rhinoceros
- Species: R. Unicornis
The Greater One Horned Rhino
The features
Fun Facts
- Weight: usually about 4000-6000 pounds
- Height: approximately 1.75-2 metres and 3-3.8 metres long
- Skin: They have hairless thick grey skin, which develops folds.
- Horn: one horn, which is about 20-25 cm long and weighs 3 kg.
- They are good swimmers
- They dive and feed underwater
- They don't use there horns to fight but to search for food
- There horn will grow back if broken off
The Adaptations
- The size: not much fear in the animal kingdom
- The big feet: capable of supporting their large bodies
- The skin: protects them from predators
- The rolling in muddy water: protects them from sunburn, insects and cools them down in hot weather conditions.
The Location and Habitat
The Greater One Horned rhino can be found in India, Nepal and particularly in the foothills of the Himalayas.
They are usually found in tropical and subtropical grassland and next to bodies of water.
The Classifications