- Globalization is being shaped by technological change
- Involves the reconfiguration of states & power structure
- Goes together with regionalization (glocalization)
- Alters social relations (intensity, extensity, velocity, impact)
- It is uneven (winners vs. losers)
- Creates new tensions
is a large-scale integration process and used in many contexts, such as...
- Transportation
- Communication (being informed of other markets)
- World product
- Global production (supply-chains)
- Global markets & TRADE
- Global Marketing
- Global demand (product & labor)
- Global Capitalism (CAPITAL MOVEMENTS)
- International lending (debt-problem)
- agents: private sector (MNC, international banking system, small companies & joint ventures) & public sector (countries), international economic forums (WTO)
- intertwined: even in economic crises (Great Recession 2008)
"Similarity of economic conditions and policies across national boundaries"
Gray, H.P.
"Accelerated movement across national and regional barriers of economic "goods", i.e. people, products, capital, especially intangible forms of capital (technology, control of assets)" Oman, Charles 1994
"Economic globalization refres to the intensification and stfrecthing of economic connections across the globe."
Steger, Manfred B.
In economic context...
Is is a political concept?
In a geographical context...
we talk about globalization
- since people go from one place to another....we are all migrants
- since >1900s - space and place reduced,
relativity of space
- Key words: global-local distances shrank, transportation (on foot, on animals, by boat, by train, by car, by airplane, by space shuttle)
Example: by air we can reach any corner of the world within a day
Note: whatever and whoever is closer to us, affect us more & we pay more attention to it. Geography matters a lot, despite of cyber-connectedness.
Airline traffic around the World
Different disciplines and experts give different answers:
What is Globalization?
In Thomas L. Friedman´s view:
In a historical context...
- Globalization 1.0 - between 1492 and 1800 Colonization - countries move towards each other (mass movement & shrinking of the world) - physical power & sailing capacity
- Globalization 2.0 - 1800s- 2000 - key agents: multinational companies -global markets develop
- Globalization 3.0 - from 2000 on - key agents: individuals connectedness & collaboration
we talk about globalization
- since 5000 BC - cross-cultural trade, technologies, mass migrations, world religions
- Key words: global flows, movements, widening cooperation & spread of new technologies
Example: the wheel was
discovered in China and later
used in Europe as well.
- Is globalization essentially economic or multidimensional?
- What is globalization?
- Is globalization a recent or a long-term historical process? or is it a condition?
- Does globalization exist or is it rhetoric, "globaloney"?
- Is globalization neoliberal capitalism?
- Is globalization manageable?
The World is Flat, Friedman, 2005
In a cultural context...
In history:
Three paradigms:
1) Cultural Differentialism (national, language, ethnic, political, religious) - lasting difference -
"Clash of civilizations" - rivalry & conflict, natural fault lines
2) Cultural Convergence - which brings along standardization & uniformization => growing of the sameness, e.g. McDonaldization, Barbification, CNNization, infantilization
3) Hybridization (cultural mixing and new mixtures are born)- "global mélange"
Nederveen Pieterse, 2009
"Globalization is a long term historical process of growing worldwide interconnectedness" Nederveen Pieterse, 1995
In sociology:
"Globalization...refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole." Robertson, Robbie, 1992
...ideas travel fast in time & space...
In economics:
Since its effects are uneven....
there is no clear conclusion:
"Assymetries of information"- Joseph. E Stiglitz
In a political context...
- leaking of state authority, downwards
- leaking of state authority, upwards
formation of international public sector
- pooling of sovereignty - regional, international, supranational
- "post-international politics" - the entry of non-state sector, NGOs
- State leaner but more active
- Democratization (human rights, cross-border civic activism)
- there are many winners (who are connected and can adapt fast & impact others)
- many losers: who are not connected (isolated) or occupied with other basic problems, such as disease, lack of food & water & energy, no means of entering the global network (note: they may still benefit from globalization, via aid organization and other opportunities)
- there are many unintended consequences (global warming, awareness of inequalities, etc.)
- "Globalization & culture: Global Mélange", by Jan Nederveen Pieterse, 2009
- "The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First century", by Thomas L. Friedman, 2005
- "What do we know about globalization?", by Guillermo de la Dehesa, 2007
- "Macrowikinomics", by D. Tapscott & A. Williams, 2010
- "Globalization and Ist Discontents", Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2002
In a economic context...
Can it help to end poverty?
Yes, it can be good, because...
it can promote economic growth by...
How and where iphone is made?
1. Collaboration
2. Openness
3. Sharing
4. Integrity
5. Interdependence
Wikinomics, D. Tapscott & A. Williams