The Amazons in Greece
Alexander's Amazon Sister
- Alexander's half-sister Cynna ("Little Bitch") was an Amazon as well.
- Cynna became a military commander as well
- Fought against the Illyrians
- Had only one daughter, Adea, who was also raised to fight
Daphne Tsamouras
Thalestris and Alexander the Great
- After defeating the Persians Alex received a surprise visit
- Thalestris, renowned for her bravery and beauty, finds Alex worthy of her.
- Stayed together for 13 days
The End
Penthesilea & Achilles
- The Amazons fought against the Greeks in the Trojan War.
- Penthesilia brought twelve Amazon warriors with her to fight against the Greeks.
- Penthesilia spots Achilles and Ajax
- "A beautiful death"
- "Love too late"
Antiope and Theseus
- Antiope, Hippolyte's sister, was the only Amazon to lose her freedom through marriage
- Theseus' visit to the Amazon homeland began peacefully
- Antiope and Theseus' story develops into a love story
Atlanta, The Greek Amazon
Battle for Athens!
- Theseus messed up when he took Antiope
- Queen Orithyia comes home from her war campaigns to find one sister dead (Hippolyte) and the other MIA(Antiope)
- Orithyia and Sagylus
- Amazons+Scythians=impressive army lead by the Amazons
- Amazon demands: Belt of Ares and Antiope
- Amazons storm Athens
- Antiope's role
- Daughter of King Iasos who only wanted sons
- Only woman invited on the journey to kill the Calydonian Boar
- Caused controversy amongst the men
- Jason and the Argonauts
- King Iasos recognizing Atlanta as his daughter
- High stakes contest for her hand
- Hippomenes and Atlanta- Lion and Lioness
Hippolyte and Hercales
- Hippolytes and the golden belt of Ares
- King Eurystheus daughter, Admete, wants Hippolytes golden belt of Ares
- Heracles and his men land on Themiscyra and are greeted by Hippolytes
- Peaceful negotiation goes wrong thanks to Hera
- Hippolytes is killed.