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Vocabulary building

Read all the words, then choose 10 new words that are interesting for you











to guide,

to protect,

to display,

to belive,



to cover,



to transmit,

to regard, creature,


dozen, abundance, to merge, temporarily,

to form, variety,


whistle, vocalization,



vyměna, sociál. vazeb, zraněný, nemocný, dýchat, povrch, altruismus, omezit,

druh, pozorovat,

považovat, tvor,


tucet, hojnosti, sloučit, dočasně, tvořit, odrůda, lusknout, píšťalka, vokalizace,

membership, rigid, interchange, social bonds, injured,


to breathe, surface, altruism,

to limit, species,

to observe,

Today we're going to talk about:



Dolphin social behavior


Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth's most intelligent animals. They are social creatures, living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, pods can merge temporarily, forming a superpod; such groupings may exceed 1,000 dolphins. They communicate using a variety of clicks, whistle-like sounds and other vocalizations.Membership in pods is not rigid; interchange is common. Dolphins can, however, establish strong social bonds; they will stay with injured or ill individuals, even helping them to breathe by bringing them to the surface if needed. This altruism does not appear to be limited to their own species. The dolphin Moko in New Zealand has been observed guiding a female Pygmy Sperm Whale together with her calf out of shallow water where they had stranded several times. They have also been seen protecting swimmers from sharks by swimming circles around the swimmers or charging the sharks to make them go away.Dolphins also display culture, something long believed to be unique to humans. In May 2005, a discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teaching their young to use tools. They cover their snouts with sponges to protect them while foraging (looking or searching for food or provisions.) Using sponges as mouth protection as well as other transmitted behavior proves dolphins' intelligence. This knowledge is mostly transferred by mothers to daughters.

Quickly write down your version of each of these phrases (regarding animals):

Welcome back!

Ask each other about: family and friends

  • Who do you spend your free time with?
  • Who are the most important people in your life?
  • Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
  • Tell me about your best friend?
  • Do you normally go out with family or friends?

As far as I’m concerned,...

As I see it,...

From my point of view,...

In my humble opinion,...

I’d say that…

What do we see in the picture?

My parents came to visit on Sunday.

Our family went to the theatre last night.

In the square you can see a beautiful fountain.

In the square we can see a beautiful fountain.

My sister and I don’t usually quarrel.

I think he’s enjoying himself in our country.

In the square one can see a beautiful fountain.

We went with my girlfriend to the Tatras.

You should visit Moravia some day.

There’s a beautiful fountain in the square.

Now, we're going to work on DIALOGUES!


Grab a partner!



It's time to...




Here are some key phrases to add to your arsenal:

  • What do you think of twerking?
  • How do you feel about cats?
  • Do you think dolphins are intelligent?
  • Is ocean research equally important as space research?

You’ve discovered an new, exotic tribe of people in your town (i.e. skaters, old people, hockey players)! Write a short report of the habits and special customs of this group of people. You will then share your anthropological findings in a small group.

  • As far as I’m concerned, dolphins are compelling.
  • As I see it, dolphins are probably smarter than dogs.
  • From my point of view, more research is key.
  • In my humble opinion, having a pet dolphin would be really cool.
  • I’d say that we just don't know enough about marine life.

Are friends more important than family?

As far as I’m concerned, (twerking is ridiculous.)

As I see it, (dancing trends are getting worse every year.)

From my point of view, (these girls would be better off not twerking.)

In my humble opinion, (twerking is not really dancing.)

I’d say that (twerking is for young people.)

1) Make a mind map

2) Turn your mind map into an outline

3) Write the conclusion of your outline

Dialogue 2:

A: I think we should definitely go to that concert next week.

B: As far as I’m concerned, I could skip it. Why don’t we save the money for something more interesting?

A: What?! You don’t think Black Sabbath is worth it? I’d say that’ll be the best show of the year!

B: Meh, from my point of view it’s on the same level as any other group of old farts playing old music.

A: You have to be joking. We can’t be friends anymore.

B: C’mon, don’t take it so seriously. I don’t think it’s such a big deal.

A: ….

B: ….

Dialogue 1:

A: Hey, do you think my dog really understands what I’m saying ?

B: Um, yes and no. As I see it, they understand your tone of voice, but not the words.

A: Well, in MY humble opinion, Rex understands everything. You should see how he reacts when I say the word “vet”.

B: Ok, so then maybe he can understand short words, like « vet ». But not abstract ideas, like love.

A: You’ve got to be kidding! Look at him! Come here, Rex. You love me right? Yes you do. I love you too.

B: Ewww, gross. I wouldn’t let him lick your face like that if I were you. You know what else he was licking today?

A: ….

B: ….

Dialogue 3:

A: Hey guys! What do you think of my new shoes? They’re amazing, right?

B: Uhhhh. Yeah. They’re definitely very special.

C : Jesus Christ – you’re wearing those voluntarily? You should take them back and get a refund.

A: Hey! I think they’re really cool. Don’t you like the wheels, and the light up heels?

B: I’d say you’re a little old for light-up wheelies, wouldn’t you?

C : I second that. If I were you, I wouldn’t be caught dead in ridiculous kid shoes.

A: In my humble opinion, they are perfect. Now, let’s talk about that horrible jacket that you’ve decided to wear today.

B: Yeah, where did you find that? Your grandpa’s basement?

C: Actually, I ordered it online. What – you don’t like this shade of green?

A: ….

B: ….

C: ….

Collective vs individual

(Kolektiv a jednotlivec)


  • Do you think marriage as an institution is outdated? Why or why not?
  • How do you think technology, such as smartphones and social media, has changed the way we interact with people?
  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
  • What is your opinion about violence in TV, movies, and video games?


Collective vs individual

(Kolektiv a jednotlivec)

Smysl pro kolektivnost má v českém jazyce a kultuře hluboké kořeny a projevuje se z hlediska anglickéhomluvčího neobvykle hojným užíváním všech forem osobního a přivlastňovacího zájmena “my” a “náš”. Angličan se naopak buď zaměřuje na vlastní osobu a nazírá na svět z hlediska jedince, nebo zaujímá keskutečnostem odtažitější a analytičtější postoj. Následující přehled by vám měl pomoci vyhnout senesprávnému užívání zájmen we a our.

1 Obecná sdělení

* We mince the meat twice in the mincer.

* What do we see in the picture?

* In the square we can see a beautiful fountain.

V češtině bývají obecná sdělení často v 1. osobě množného čísla; v angličtině bývají ve 2. osobě nebojsou vyjádřena neutrálně.

Mince the meat in the mincer.

What can you see in the picture?

In the square you/one can see a beautiful fountain.

There’s a beautiful fountain in the square.

Nezapomeňte, že na otázku What can you see in the picture? reaguje Angličan větou There’s a mountain meadow . . . nebo You can see a mountain meadow . . ., v níž zájmeno you je použito obecně, ve smyslu “člověk”.


TODAY'S TOPIC: Make a perfect conclusion

2 Rodina

* Our family went to the theatre last night.

* Our mother usually bakes a cake for my birthday.

* Our parents came to visit on Sunday.

K vlastní rodině zaujímá anglický mluvčí stanovisko jednotlivce.

The (rest of the) family went to the theatre last night (but I stayed at home).

My family and I went to the theatre last night.

I went to the theatre last night with my family.

My mother usually bakes a cake for my birthday.

My parents came to visit on Sunday.

My wife’s/husband’s parents/My in-laws came to visit on Sunday.

Our place/house/flat (u nás, k nám atd.) je pravděpodobně jediné spojení, ve kterém se vyskytuje zájmenoour:

You can sleep at our place, if you like.

Stejně běžné je však i spojení my place/house/flat.


Restate goal of the text: We know more about the amazing country of Canada – our friends to the east.

Summary: Canada is the second largest country on the planet. It has a Parliamentary system of government – but still is tied to the British royal family and to Britain. While we may not think ofCanada as a country that has had a lot of wars in fact it has – such as those with France and England and the War of 1812.

Last Line: So, if a microphone is ever stuck in your face, you know trying to make you look stupidand uninformed, if they ask you about Canada you will be able to WOW them with your knowledge!

3 Společné akce

* We don’t usually quarrel with my sister.

* We went with my girlfriend to the Tatras.

* We spent three hours in the pub with Mirek and Honza.

Ve všech uvedených příkladech poukazuje mluvčí na sebe a na někoho dalšího – sestru, přítelkyni, Mirkaa Honzu. Anglické we však zřetelně naznačuje, že kromě sestry, přítelkyně atd. je na scéně více než jednaosoba. Je tedy opět nutné použit zájmeno 1. osoby jednotného čísla.

I don’t usually quarrel with my sister.

My sister and I don’t usually quarrel.

My girlfriend and I went to the Tatras.

I spent three hours in the pub with Mirek and Honza.

4 Our country, our town

* You should visit our country some day.

* I think he’s enjoying himself in our country.

* There are a lot of old castles in our country.

Tyto výrazy patří k nejčastějším čechismům. Přestože v angličtině existují, vyskytují se jen zřídka –především v rétorických frázích. Běžná knižní i hovorová angličtina vyjadřuje stejné pojmy jinak.

You should visit Moravia some day.

I think he’s enjoying himself here (in Moravia).

Pokud Angličan mluví o městě, ve kterém žije, zaujímá opět k němu stanovisko jednotlivce; někdy sevšak vyjádří zcela neutrálně. Je tedy třeba říci:

There’s a lovely Baroque church in my hometown/the town I live in/the town where I live/the town I comefrom.


TODAY'S TOPIC: Make a perfect conclusion



What is a conclusion?

  • A conclusion is what you will leave with your reader
  • It "wraps up" your essay
  • It demonstrates to the reader that you accomplished what you set out to do
  • It shows how you have proved your thesis
  • It provides the reader with a sense of closure on the topic


  • A conclusion is the opposite of the introduction
  • Remember that the introduction begins general and ends specific
  • The conclusion begins specific and moves to the general

In Alice Walker’s "To Hell with Dying," Mr. Sweet was a good companion for the narrator and her siblings. Mr. Sweet always made the narrator feel special. She loved to be around him and was overjoyed whenever he would visit her. Mr. Sweet played with the children just as if he were a child himself. Mr. Sweet also displayed a great deal of respect for the narrator and her family. Even though his alcoholism and lifestyle was a bad influence on the children, his virtues far outweighed his faults. Mr. Sweet had a positive impact on the children that would last their entire lives. He was compassionate, caring, and honest, and the children learned to respect themselves and others from their experiences with Mr. Sweet. He also inspired the children to succeed. Mr. Sweet's lifestyle did not make him an excellent role model for the children, but he was always an excellent companion.

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