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Tartalom betöltése...

Prisoners Dilemma

Tragedy of the Commons

Ostroms Principals

Theorists have argued that people placed in a situation which they could all benefit from cooperation will be unlikely to co-operate in the absence of an external enforcer of agreements

Hardin (1968) argued that when property rights over natural resources are absent and unenforced, no individual bears the full cost of degradation so the resource gets depleted

The concept has been used to explain:

  • Over exploitation in fisheries/forests
  • Overgrazing, extinction of species
  • Ground water depletion
  • Other problems of resource allocation
  • (Stevenson, 1991)

Aral (2014) argues that her critique of Hardin is valid in the special case of small-scale, locally governed commons while Hardin seem justified for large scale, national, regional and global commons.

  • Poverty can lead to high dependence upon, and consequent degradation of, natural resources (Adhikari, 2001).
  • When property rights over natural resources are absent and unenforced i.e when there is open access- no individual bears the full cost of degradation

Some studies have also pointed out that since poor people depend more heavily on a limited natural resource base, they attach greater value to its conservation and so have developed sustainable management practices (Reddy, 1999).


Can Common Property Resources be managed sustainably?

Access to communal resources are essential to the livelihoods of many of the worlds rural poor

CPR- where the rights to exploit a resource are held by persons in common with others (Wade, 1987).

Aim: To ascertain whether CPRs can be managed sustainably.

Distinguishing Features of CPRs

  • Subject to individual use but not individual possession

  • Contains a number of users who have no independent rights of use

  • Users constitute a collectivity and together have the right to exclude others who are not members of the group

  • (Blaikie and Brookfield, 1987, Ch. 10).


  • To be able to define the key features of CPRs.
  • To understand and explain the challenges facing CPR managers using case study examples.
  • To understand the varying theories behind CPR management

Common Property Resources

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