Preliminary Evaluation
Oliwia, Algywne, Rishi
- We should make a plan of the storyboard and script to ensure our work is consistent and flowing
- A bigger speaker would be required for the performer to hear
- We need to watch the recorded footage more carefully on the shooting day
- However, the dissolve fading transitions work well with our chosen song
- Extreme close ups and close ups work well with the tone of the music
- Fun performance shots link well with the music
We did not plan the exercise as much as we could have (storyboard, script...etc)
As a result we had to decide which shots to use during the edit session- we picked them at random and reviewed what footage we could use. If this had been planned beforehand we could have had more footage, which would've worked better together as a sequence. Another thing we would also benefit from would be a storyboard as it would save us time and direct us to each frame.
Lip Syncing
Camera Shots
The light hearted/fun
performance shots reflect
the lyrics well. This is
especially shown with the lyric 'We will never be as young as we are now, the faces in the crowd....'
The performer is seen walking and laughing which linked to the tone of the music as the performer seems to be indirectly encouraging the viewers to take in account the message of the song- to cherish youth, nature and carelessness.
successful camera angles included:
- tracking shot
- high-angle shot
- wide shot
- low angle-shot
Unfortunately the lip syncing
didn't go well during our preliminary exercise, the reason for this is:
- We did not check footage properly on day of filming
- We did not have a loud enough speaker to project the music therefore the performer wasn't exactly sure of the lyrics he was singing.
Our group agreed that this was our favourite angle, as the sky emphasized the peaceful mood of the song- it can be said that the clouds illustrate the music- as the slow pace of the song persists, the clouds gradually drift and accompany the relaxed and serene mood of the song.
What Went Wrong?
We used cross-cut dissolve in between shots; we played around with other transitions but we decided that the cross cut dissolve was the most appropriate as it fit very well with the light-hearted theme of the music (tone, slow music) This short extract to some extent fits the theory presented by Goodwin- the long pace shots illustrate the rhythm of the music
What went right ?
Our Preliminary Exercise:
- transitions
- camera shots
- performance
What We Aimed to Do?
The purpose of the preliminary was to experiment with:
- performance
- lip syncing
- transitions
- camera angles
- the ideas for the real video