The Method Behind the Madness
What's the aim of education?
Self Organised Learning Environments
The Answer: All these images represent inventions/ significant contributions to the world. The inventors/contributors are largely forgotten or misrepresented e.g. The Pythagoras theorem was an Ancient Egyptian calculation.
Applying the method to KS4
Your KS3 Challenge
In groups of 3-5 create the outline for a 6 lesson KS3 Learning Project about the Environment
You have 10 minutes
We will return to your plans later on in the session.
Accelerated Learning, Multiple Intelligences, SOLE & Project Based Learning
Welcome to BLACKFEN Airways
Stop that thief!
There was only 1 working radio left after the plane crash and it is is missing.
There is only 2 hours of battery life left on the radio so it is imperative that you find it NOW!
Time is running out people!
Harvard Graduate School of Education
When Vincent Perone of the Harvard Graduate School of Education asked students, ‘When are you most engaged intellectually?’, they said:
•when we help to define the content
•create original and public products
•do something…take part in political action, write a letter
•sense that the results of our work are not predetermined or fully predictable
•when teachers encourage different forms of expression and respect our views.
“You could be the best teacher in the world, but no matter how much you teach your students it won’t be enough because most of what they need to know for their lives has not been discovered yet. The really important thing is that your students leave your classroom with a passion for learning.”
Dylan William
Project Based Learning
Re-inventing Black History Month
"An act of depositing, in which the students are are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor"
"Education is not another deposit to be made in men ...[it is] the action and reflection of men & women upon their world in order to transform it"
- Google Classroom - formative & Summative assessment
Learning for the 21st century should be characterised by:
Nurturing Skills & Attributes
Project Based Learning
KS4 - 160 possible marks in the GCSE exam. Approx 1/3 are essay based.
Emphasis on Assessment Objectives (burger)
- authentic, real learning experiences
- student choice, control and agency
- the teacher as facilitator, not lecturer
- Investigate these images using your mobile phones
- As a class tell me what they have in common
Let's go back to our KS3 challenge...
Have another look at your plan.
1. Accelerated Learning criteria:
- Did your plan appeal to more than learning style?
- How much 'doing' as opposed 'telling' was there?
- Was there an opportunity for collaboration?
2. PBL criteria:
- How much autonomy have you given your pupils?
- Does it have real world relevance?
- Have you presented the project as purely knowledge based or is there an explicit focus on skills too?
3. SOLE criteria:
- How much pupil led inquiry is there?
- Did you produce resource packs or did your pupil discover the info for themselves?
What changes would you make to your Learning Project
Accelerated Learning
Year 7 BHM Carnival
- Learning involves the Whole Mind & Body
- Learning is Creation, Not Consumption
- Collaboration Aids Learning
- Learning takes Place on Many Levels
- Learning Comes From Doing the Work itself (With Feedback)
- Positive Emotions Greatly Improve Learning
- The Image Brain Absorb information Instantly and Automatically
Your year 10 class has picked a Mental health, gangs, teen pregnancy and animal cruelty for their Citizenship campaigns. They need to link their topics to the 3 Edexcel themes. They also need to organise campaign outcomes.
They suggest the creation of leaflets and posters, but you know that on its own these methods do not embrace the concept of 'active citizenship. They are also struggling to link their topic to the 3 themes.
Your task:
How would you link their topic to the 3 themes?
What active citizenship outcomes would you suggest and why?
Edexcel Citizenship Controlled Assessment
15% in paper 2
5 Themes:
- Theme A – Living together in the UK
- Theme B – Democracy at work
- Theme C – Law & Justice
- Theme D – Power & Influence
- Theme E – Taking Citizenship Action
Are you as smart as our Year 7 class?
- Investigate these images
- Use your newly acquired knowledge to answer this question: What evidence is there to suggest that Britain is a democracy?
You have 10 minutes
The Method Behind The Madness
Teaching for the 21st Century