"The object of war is not 'to kill' ... [but] to conquer and honorable, advantageous, and lasting peace." (Schofield, 1881)
- Create a situation where the enemy is no longer capable of supporting a military force.
- What kinds of attack might be considered typical of exhaustion tactics?
- How does this compare to the Ancient way of war?
- Method of war best suited to a less ready or capable force when pitted against a more powerful enemy.
- Is there a modern interpretation of the term?
- An honorable way of war?
- Honor vs. Result?
- In what context could such a method of war be found today?
"Complete victory by a single battle, as in former times is no longer conceivable." (Wisser, 1890)
Brian M. Linn and Max Boot
The New American Way of War
- Non-interventionist.
- Not Decisive.
- Response to perceived threat of invasion.
- Examples in history?
- Role of the standing military in defensive warfare? W. Skelton
- Is American War Defensive?
Linn has a few problems with Weigley's theory.
- Is Deterrence a form of defence?
What defines Modern Warfare?
Ages of War - Delbruck
- Ancient
- War of attrition, forces with larger numbers win.
- Medieval
- Still attritional, limited aims and defined by single characters.
- Modern
- Annihilation.
The American Way of War
- Russel Wiegley
- What is the ultimate aim of annhilation warfare?
- How is this similar to the Ancient, Western Way of War?
- What does it mean for civilians?
- General Order 100.
- Laws of Armed Conflict?
- Examples of Annihilation warfare as defined by Wiegley?
- From the Reading.
- From History?
"the first natural principle of all strategy is to assemble one's forces, seek out the main force of the enemy, defeat it, and follow up the victory until the defeated side subjects itself to the will of the victor."
(Delbruck in Linn, 2002: 503)
The (New) American Way of War
Future of American
- Small Unit
- Precision
- Technologically Dependent
- Casualty Limiting
Can the west win against terrorists using the American way of war?
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A Hybrid & Reactionary Way of War