- Thus, a country cannot specialize in a particular item independently
- Resources from other countries in any form may be needed
- Eg. Bangladesh cannot specialize in clothing without importing machinery
- Integration of specialization & interdependence contributes to globalization
- Supply and demand cycle can be used to explain how
How do interdependence & specialization affect a country's economy?
- Interdependence and Specialization go hand in hand
- Interdependence is the result of specialization
- Eg. A specialist in gold jewelry cannot usually obtain gold by itself
Some Terminology:
Relationship between Interdependence & Specialization
Reasons For Interdependence
What is Interdependence?
- Resources are unevenly distributed
- No one country has all the resources it needs
- Each country must trade with others
- This results in a world of global economic interdependence
- Each country depends upon and is depended upon by other countries
- Importing and exporting goods highly contributes to global interdependence
- Some countries are rich in natural resources but lack productions means and some are vice versa
- Resource rich countries : Venezuela, Brazil, Australia
- Countries with scarce resources : Japan, South Korea, Singapore
- Interdependence is extremely important in the modern era
Effects of Interdependence
Looking At Japan
- New information technologies, reduction of transportation costs
- Free Trade Associations ( NAFTA, EFTA)
- International Division of labor
- World's 3rd largest economy
- Inadequate natural resources
- Heavy reliance on imported raw materials (oil, metals etc.)
- Large exporter of automobiles, electronics i.e. manufactured goods
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):
Effects Of Interdependence
Environmental Impact
When a business establishes a presence in the foreign market by investing capital and securing ownership of a factory, subsidiary, or other facility there.
Natural disaster negatively affects the gathering of a resource
Decrease in the manufacturing and/or distribution of several products
More Terminology:
Multiple vs Single Specialization
- Electrical and other machinery
- Data processing equipment
- Apparel
- Textiles
- Iron and Steel
- Optical and Medical Equipment
- Business or area focuses on the production of a limited scope of products or services
- Done to gain greater degrees of productive efficiency
- Example: McDonald's specializes on fast-food
International specialization is extremely dependent on the local market/exporting:
How do businesses/countries succeed?
Goals and Objectives
• What, Where, How, When, Who
• Investment and Profit
• Employees and Foreign Representatives
Preferences and Risks
- Balancing risks and return
Resources and Capabilities
• Maximizing production and decreasing cost
• Manufacturer/Labour Force
• Distribution and Transportation
Comprehend Domestic/Foreign Cultures
- Push and Pull factors (initial triggers)
- Accidentally getting involved
International Specialization & Interdependence
Spread the Word!
- Evolve through internationalization
Dependent businesses/nations experience economic losses over time; GDP