Ravenstein's 11 Laws of Migration
By Karissa Ganzer
Work cited
- http://www.slideshare.net/geographyalltheway/geography-ravensteins-laws-of-migration/9-Most_migrants_are_adultsfamilies_rarely
- https://cla.umn.edu/sites/cla.umn.edu/files/the_laws_of_migration.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Georg_Ravenstein
- http://www.wiltshire-opc.org.uk/genealogy/index.php/research/useful-information/item/367-ravensteins-law-of-migration
Relation to APHuG and Imporatance
Law 9
- Ravenstein's 11 "laws" is the basis for contemporary geographic migration studies.
- It helps us gain a better understanding of when and why migration happens.
Law 5
Large towns owe more of their growth to migration rather than natural increase.
Native towns are less migratory than those of rural areas
Law 10
Law 1
Most long-distance migrants were young adults seeking work, rather than children or ederly people.
Law 11
Most people migrate for economic purposes.
- Decide to migrate due to push factors (induces people to move out of a location); and pull factors (induces people to move into a new location)
Families rarely migrate out of their country of birth
Law 4
Law 7
E.G. Ravenstein Organization
Migration increses in volume as industries and commerce develop and transport improves
Law 2
Ravenstein's "laws" can be organized into three groups:
- The reason why migrants move
- The distance they typically move
- their characteistics
Law 5
Each current of migration produces a compensating counter-current.
Migration proceeds step by step
- Doesn't all happen at one time
Native towns are less migratory than those of rural areas
Law 3
Most migrants relocate only a short distance and stay in the same country.
- There is International migration (permanate movement from one country to another) and Internal migration (permanate movement within the same counrty), which is more common
- Females are more likely to travel internally.
Law 6
Law 11
Most long-distance migrants are adult individuals rather than families with children
- Mostly single men; work purposes
Long distance migrants head for major cities in other countries.
- Usually male (International)
Families rarely migrate out of their country of birth.
- Easier on the kids and family
Law 9
Law 7
Large towns owe more of their growth to migration rather than natural increase
Migration proceeds step by step