Major categories
- Considering the exponential rate of technological changes, this list may not be exhaustive as most service providers are constantly trying to reshape themselves to meet customer demands
- i.e. a feature offered one day may be changed, modified, or not available the next day
- Project Collaboration Network (PCN)
- The system aims at sharing project-specific documents, communications, and workflow and serves as a repository for documents or as an online document management system for a project team
- Backing up files daily, keeping a document revision history, and tracking who accesses files
- Project Information Portal (PIP)
- Mainly provides general information needs for the participants in a construction project
- eg) codes and permits, economic trends, product information, cost data, and project planning information that a project team might use throughout the life of a construction project
- Project Procurement Exchange (PPE)
- Aims to streamline the procurement cycle of construction materials and services
- Provides electronic bidding and procurement services, which generally allow users to view online catalogs of products and services
- Transmit request for quotations
- Exchange cost-related data
- Review work packages
- Conduct bidding and procurement online
Benefits of WPMS
Potential benefits
- Cost advantage
- Outsourcing advantage
- Competition among IT professionals
- Application Service Provider’s competition
- Increase in the quality of documents
- Speed of work
- Better financial control and communications
- Simpler and faster access to common data
- Decrease in documentation errors
Web-based Project Management System (WPMS)
- Difficulties in quantifying costs and benefits
- System reliability
- System security
- Legal issues of electronic transactions
- Lack of software interoperability
- Data ownership after project completion
- Internet access and bandwidth problems
- Resistance to change
- Password barrier
- Density of communication channels
- Team tools and problems of something for everyone
- Collaborative maturity
Potential barriers to implementation
Introduction and Background
Group name - DFC
Seung-hyun Kim - 11248287
Omar Deeb - 11710682
Luca Cossetto- 11709247
16137 Digital Built Environment
13 September 2013
- The construction industry is fragmented due to the many stakeholders and phases involved in a construction project
- This fragmentation has led to well documented problems with communication and information processing and has contributed to the proliferation of adversarial relationships between the parties to a project
- This fragmentation is also often seen as one of the major contributors to low productivity in construction
- Information technology (IT) is now routinely used in the construction industry as a tool to reduce some of the problems generated by fragmentation
This report describes and identifies what Web-based project management system is, particularly through the use of application in services provided in construction industry.
- Web-based Project Management System (WPMS) brings significant benefits to the construction industry
- But their successful implementation is still hindered by barriers, for the most part nontechnical
- In order for the construction industry to successfully embrace Project Management System-Application Service Providers, many factors such as technology, process, people, procurement, legal issues, and knowledge management must be considered equally
- M.C. Hurtado, New survey points to spending growth, Engineering News Record, vol. 246 (21), McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 2003, pp. 21.
- D. Walker, M. Betts, Information technology foresight: the future application of the world wide web in construction, Proceedings of the CIB W78, IT for Construction Process Reengineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1997.
- E.M. Rojas, A.D. Songer, Web-centric systems: a new paradigm for collaboration engineering, Journal of Management in Engineering, vol. 15 (1), ASCE, New York, USA, 1999, pp. 39– 45.
- M.J. Skibniewski, M. Abduh, Web-based project management for construction: search for utility assessment tools, Invited Keynote Paper, Proceedings of INCITE 2000, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 17–19 January.
- W.J. O’Brien, Implementing issues in project web sites: a practitioner’s viewpoint, Journal of Management in Engineering, vol. 16 (3), ASCE, New York, USA, 2000, pp. 34– 39.