What people think happened to the "Ghost Ship"
Who attended the Mary Celeste?
- Some believe that all of the people died of sicknesses and just turned to ghosts after the long period of time.
- Others think they fell out of the ship and drowned
- There was also a bad storm and it shows the Mary Celeste tipping over with heavy winds and with huge waves. Is it possible that the power from the tipping, huge waves, and heavy winds could have pushed them out of the ship?
- Another theory is that the Mary Celeste entered the Bermuda Triangle
- I honestly think the reason the people were missing was because when the seaquake shook the ship and the waves got really big and the winds got heavy, I think the people fell out and drowned.
- Benjamin S. Briggs (Captain)
- Sarah E. Briggs (Family)
- Sophia M. Briggs (Family)
- Albert G. Richardson (Crew)
- Edward Wm. Head (Crew)
- Volkert Lorenson (Crew)
- Arian Martens (Crew)
- Boy Lorenson (Crew)
- Gotlieb Gondeschall (Crew)
What is the Mary Celeste?
What clues did they find about the people on board
List of Reasources
- www.maryceleste.net/part2.htm
- www.deafwhale.com/maryceleste/
- www.historicalnovelsociaty.org
- mysteriousuniverse.org
- www.history.com
- www.esllistening.org
- www.bermudatriangle.org
- www.eslreading.org
- www.shipsonstamps.org
- There was a bad seaquake during the middle of the journey.
- The lifeboat's line was snapped and the lifeboat was gone.
- There was a huge cut through to ship's railing witch looked like it was from a sword.
- There was also a big red stain on the ship that looked like blood to the experts.
- One of the two pumps was disassembled.
The Mary Celeste was a big boat that set sail on the Atlantic Ocean in 1861 with a captain, his family, and a crew of 7 men. In 1872, a man named Oliver Deveau spotted the Mary Celeste and went to investigate. The ship seemed in perfect shape, but all of the people on the ship were missing, but their belongings were untouched. What happened to the people on this ship?
Interesting Facts
Things that happened to the Mary Celeste that could of affected it
- Everything on the Mary Celeste seemed untouched after Oliver Deveau had found it except the lifeboat was missing, the sails were slightly damaged, and there were several feet of water in the hold.
- The Mary Celeste's original name was the Amazon, but was changed to the Mary Celeste in 1869.
- The captain brought aboard 1,700 barrels of crude alcohol.
- The captain's compass stand fell over and the compass broke, so they had no idea where they were going.
- 6 months of food and water were still on board.
- The Mary Celeste mystery has lasted for over 125 years!!
- This is the best marine mystery!
- While building this ship there was a big fire ruined many parts of the deck. Was it ever fixed properly?
- When they took the Mary Celeste on it's practice sail, it crashed into a fishing net and was damaged very badly.
- The original owner died while making the ship. How did the other people who made the ship know what he did and how he wanted the rest?
- The ship was given to Captain Briggs to sail. Did the captain make any changes or did he have no idea what some parts were and how to work them and he caused something to happen to the ship
- When they gave Captain Briggs the ship he made some repairs, what if he forgot to fix something or he fixed something that was completely fine?
The Mary Celeste