What is TOT?
- 1890 The Principles of Psychology -William James
- 1966 Roger Brown + David McNeill
- Retrieval failure
- Partial recall
First Empirical Research
- read out definition -> asked to identify
- identified 3 types
- recognized the word after revealed
- TOT during seeking
- recalled word was incorrect
- TOT found to be in 10% of trials
Tip Of The Tongue (TOT) Phenomenon
Influencing Factors
How Caffeine Works
- Neurology standpoint
- When recalling happens
- Experiment conducted
- Helps with similar short-term recall
- TOT for unrelated
- Proper names - same
- Other words - Bilinguals = more
- More TOT w/ less dominant language.
Direct Access View
Inferential View
Cue-Familiarity Theory
Accessibility Heuristic
- Quantity + strength of info retrieved --> TOT
- Relevance
- Recognize clue --> strong feelings --> TOT
Incomplete Activation Hypothesis
Blocking Hypothesis
- Schwartz and others 2000
- correlation
- asked general qs...TOT?
- 55% frustration
- 7% excited
- conclude negative emotion
- Retrieval cues --> relevant but incorrect word (blockers) --> TOT
- Older adults & Elderly > younger adults
- Weaker connections in memory
- Phonological cues help both
- Brain Activity
- Target word not activated enough to be recalled --> sense presence --> TOT
- Retrieval cues
- how emotion-TOT unclear
- emotion elicited by question affects
Transmission Deficit Model
- Multi-Component Theory
- Activation of semantic but not phonological component of target word --> TOT
- Keep experience of language diverse
- Scrabble
- Crosswords
- http://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/caffeine.aspx
- http://faculty.mercer.edu/spears_a/studentpages/tipofthetongue/TipoftheTongue.html
- http://www.missionislam.com/youth/Crosswords_files/crossword1.GIF
- http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2012/03/18/sunday-review/18GRAY/18GRAY-articleLarge-v2.jpg
- http://www.tv411.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/%20%2313%20Revisions%20Sarah%20tiff.jpg
- http://www.nature.com/nrm/journal/v7/n9/images/nrm2015-i1.jpg
- http://www.apa.org/Images/2000-11-sw_tcm7-25332.jpg
- http://faculty.mercer.edu/spears_a/studentpages/tipofthetongue/mouth.gif
- http://mercercognitivepsychology.pbworks.com/f/1290570302/tip%20of%20the%20tongue.gif
- http://photos.forteantimes.com/images/front_picture_library_UK/dir_14/fortean_times_7420_7.jpg
- http://www.els4kids.com/wp-content/uploads/iStock_000012004046XSmall.jpg
- http://www.londonpsychologycollective.co.uk/content/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/999002_572100312833779_1473831435_n.jpg
- http://ponsjournaljourney2learning.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/forgetfulness1.jpg