Climate Zones of Mexico
So, how does geography and climate play together in Mexico?
Watch this video to find out...
Using the prezi, the videos and your knowledge, finish filling out your KWL Chart to show what you KNOW about climate and geographic features in Mexico, to show what you WANT to know and what you LEARNED!
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So, what is climate?
Where are these zones?
Tierra Fria
Tierra Caliente
Tierra Templada
- After talking about these three climate zones in Mexico, what is climate?
- How can we explain it? Is it weather? Does it depend on location?
- How does it affect where people live?
Tierra Templada
- This is considered the "cold land"
- The highest mountain peeks are colder and stay snow covered all year around
Tierra Fria
This land is 6000 feet above sea level
Why do you think the snow stays all year round?
Tierra Caliente
- This zone is the "hot land."
- This zone has hot summers, mild winters, and no frost
Elevation ranges from sea level to 3000 feet
Where is a place in the U.S. that is "tierra caliente?"
Tierra Templada
How could you compare Georgia to "tierra templada?"
- This is the "temperate land"
- Average temperatures range from 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit
- Farms are located here and this zone is where most people live
Elevation ranges from 3000-6000 feet