Lyrical texts
Missing Lines (cf. Nünning/Surkamp 2010: 96)
In This City
In this city, perhaps a street.
In this street, perhaps a house.
______ ______ ______, ______ ______ ______.
And in this room a woman sitting […]
Narrative Texts
Changing the narrative situation (cf. Nünning/Surkamp 2010: 233)
- What are the major differences between the authorial and the first-person narrative situation?
- Which effects does the first-person narrator have on the reader?
- In what way does the story change when narrated by a first-person narrator?
- understanding literary forms
- fostering textual competences
focus shifts from text to individual
Spinner: imagination, taking perspectives
Haas: emotional and meaningful access to
Waldmann: formal and content-related analysis,
reception and production
Müller- critical approach, professional
Michaels: activities
Rupp: individual reception
Dramatic texts
Writing a secondary text (Nünning/Surkamp 2010: 190)
- What do you think the characters look like?
- What kind of facial expressions and gestures do you think they might use?
- How might a certain line be said?
The production-oriented approach to teaching literature
Learning requires the cognitive activation of learners.
- learning intensity
- differentiation
- media education
- motivation
- learner-centredness
- learner autonomy
- learning by doing
- empathy
- characteristics
- aims
- approaches
- benefits
- problems
- examples
- sources
- constructive skills
- text production
- imagination/creativity
- experience, empathy
comprehension = literary production
working with the products
- danger of neglecting the original text
- avoidance of historical awareness
- arbitrariness
- amateurism
- evaluation
Haas, Gerhard (2005): Handlungs- und produktionsorientierter Literaturunterricht. Theorie und Praxis
eines ,anderen‘ Literaturunterrichts für die Primar- und Sekundarstufe. Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer.
Nünning, Ansgar/ Surkamp, Carola (2010): Englische Literatur unterrichten 1. Grundlagen und Methoden.
Seelze: Kallmeyer/Klett.
Spinner, Kaspar H. (1999): Neue Wege im Literaturunterricht. Hannover: Schroedel.
Spinner, Kaspar H. (2010): “Handlungs- und produktionsorientierter Literaturunterricht”, in: Klaus-Michael Bogdal/Herrmann Korte (eds.): Grundzüge der Literaturdidaktik. München: Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag,
Waldmann, Günter (2006): Produktiver Umgang mit Literatur im Unterricht. Grundriss einer produktiven
Hermeneutik. Theorie – Didaktik – Verfahren – Modelle. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.