The United States
- You can freely choose your religion.
- More than 50% of India follows the beliefs of Hinduism.
- You can't freely choose your religion
- You follow your family's religion
Gender Roles
- Religion is heavily involved in both cultures
- Gender hierarchy, known as the patriarchy
- Very involved in Indian culture
- Fading in American culture
- In India, females are respected but are subjective to their husbands and fathers
Marriage & Courtship
- In the United States, there is courtship (dating & engagement)
- Same-Sex marriage is accepted in severa states
- In India, a lot of relationships are due to arranged marriages
- This is starting to change in larger cities and people are starting to marry for love
- Traditional marriage is the only widely accepted type of marriage
Social Norms
- "An expected form or behavior in a given situation" -
Social Norms: India vs. the United States
- Family Involvement
- Religion
- Courtship & Gender Roles
The United States
- Family is very involved.
- Several generations of a family often live together
Pansania, Maitri U. "Indian Social Norms." Personal interview. 14 Sept. 2014. & 19 Nov. 2014.
"India" Encyclopedia Britannca. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
- Families typically settle down to start their life together, without living with elder or other relatives in their family.
Social Norms of India