The impact of human behaviour on future generations
Is a utopian goal to rise human moral consciousness?
- The impacts of human actions raise ethical issues about how we should live our lives and organize our societies
- In 2011 more than 1 billion people went hungry (aprox. 50.000 deaths/day are due to poverty-related causes.
- Thomas Pogge: it would cost only “around one percent of the disposable incomes of the most affluent 10th of humankind” to eradicate severe poverty and hunger.
- To rise awareness of the urgent need to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle for the well being of future generations.
Lavinia - Ioana Udrea
Philosophy PhD Candidate
The rights of future people
My future work in environmental ethics
Not a utopian goal
In need of Moral Responsibility and Citizenship Education
Message to future generations
- Intergenerational justice means:
"to meet the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
- Human beings don`t have any trained skill for translating the global citizenship concept into specific actions .
- Hans Jonas argues:
- "to preserve the integrity of human beings essence which implies his natural environment and moreover, (...) is not an utopian goal, but a task of responsibility for the future of man on earth.
- In my research, I am arguing that Environmental Ethics Education is the solution that can provide a balance between collective interests and the specific problems of the environment.
- Moral education is necessary to prepare people for reducing the harm they produce to the world they live in.
In conclusion, what should be our next steps?
Thank you for your attention !
- To reflect on central problems such as severe poverty, environmental pollution etc.;
- To train human beings to develop skills for translating the global citizenship concept into specific moral actions.