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Family Stress & Coping Concept Map

By Rebecca Von Gunten


Coping Tools

This is my husband, 8 year old and 10 year old on the ropes course for the first time. While they are safely harnessed in my 8 year old struggled to complete all the obstacles.

After a summer of climbing now he has learned to trust his gear and himself to accomplish feats he would not even try the first time.

Resilience isn't built in a day. It is the process of applying healthy coping skills day after day that will prepare us to face and conquer challenges.


“Resilience is defined as observing a normal or even exceptionally positive developmental outcome in spite of exposure to major risk for development of serious social or health problems.”

Fraser, M.W. (2004).

A winner in life is someone who has faced and overcome the challenges placed before them and found a way to create mental strength and stamina.

When our brain is correctly programmed to respond to the stress of life, whether naturally or by practice, we have the tools needed to do so.

Thank you!

Image 10

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Image 1

Experiences = Reactions

As we travel the road of life we experience events that create new pathways and memories. The goal is to respond in healthy ways when stress is applied.


This is my 5 year old daughter exploring a miniature ropes course. While she is not in any danger, she is learning to trust the gear that could eventually save her life on a real ropes course or mountain.

Efforts made to help children or adults correctly handle stressful situations will pre-program their brain to respond with efficient and healthy responses.


"Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium"

Ph.D., B. J., Ph.D., B. R., J.D., B. T., & Ph.D., B. J. (n.d.). 2016.

Above are a few items that rock climbers might use. They are tools that help protect them if a mishap occurs. In life, we also have tools to help us when the unfortunate happens. Follow along these few ideas on how to handle your most stressful moments.

Resiliency Model


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Created by McCubbin, H., Thompson A., & McCubbin M.A. 1996

When our brain is correctly programmed to respond to the stress of life, whether naturally or by practice, we have the tools needed to do so.

Adjustment Phase of the Resiliency Model

Image 6

CBT helps change how people feel by changing how they think.


Allen, R. (1983). Human Stress: Its Nature and Control. Minneapolis, MN. Burgess.

Ballard, M. R. (2012). Counseling with Our Counsels: Learning to Minister Together in the Church (Revised Edition). Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book.

Burns, D. D. (2010). When panic attacks: A new drug-free therapy to beat chronic shyness, anxiety and phobias. London: Vermillion.

Fraser, M.W. (2004). Risk and Resilience in Childhood: An Ecological Perspective, Washington, Dc. NASW Press.

Ph.D., B. J., Ph.D., B. R., J.D., B. T., & Ph.D., B. J. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved November 03, 2016, from

Robinson, W. D, Carroll, J. S., & Sorenson Marshall, E. (2012). Crucibles and healing: Illness, loss, death, and bereavement. In Successful marriages and families: proclamation principles and research perspectives. (Ch. 23, pp. 237 - 248). Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. © 2012 by Brigham Young University. All rights reserved. Fair Use.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Walsh, F. (1998). Belief Systems: The Heart and Soul of Resilience. In Strengthening Family Resilience (Ch. 3, pp. 45 - 78). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Walsh, F. (1998). Organizational Processes: Family Shock Absorbers. In Strengthening Family Resilience (Ch. 4, pp. 79 - 105). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Walsh, F. (1998). Practice Principles and Guidelines. In Strengthening Family Resilience (Ch. 6, pp. 131 - 169). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Weber, J. G., (2011). The ABCX formula and the double ABCX model. In Individual and family stress and crises. (Ch. 4, pp. 82 - 89). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2011 by SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used through a Brigham Young University - Idaho Library License.

Image 1. November 10, 2016.

Image 2 Williams, M. D. (2013). Family stress & coping. Rexburg, ID: Brigham Young University-Idaho Press. @2013 by Brigham Young University-Idaho

Image 3 Williams, M. D. (2013). Family stress & coping. Rexburg, ID: Brigham Young University-Idaho Press. @2013 by Brigham Young University-Idaho

Image 4. +support&rlz=1C1CAFA_enUS638US638&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=544&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVy761u57QAhUEKGMKHYv3CY4Q_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=climbing+helping+hand&imgrc=X2yjWl5V7wlMaM%3A. November 10, 2016.

Image 5. November 10, 2016.

Image 6. Keira Von Gunten at Boathouse, Oklahoma City, OK. July 2016.

Image 7. James, Kaitlyn, and Dillon Von Gunten at Boathouse Oklahoma City, OK July 2016

Image 8 . (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from

Image 9. Skelton, J. A., Buehler, C., Irby, M. B., & Grzywacz, J. G. (n.d.). Where are family theories in family-based obesity treatment?: Conceptualizing the study of families in pediatric weight management. Retrieved November 10, 2016, from

Image 10. Retreived November 10, 2016

Image 11. stephanieang.

  • Takes into account the "pile-up" and vulnerability the family is already facing
  • Creates a cycle to represent the affect of resources and support
  • If Bonadjustment is the outcome the family has reached "balance and harmony" (Weber, J. Dec 2010)
  • The family repeats the cycle until maladjustment occurs causing imbalance and disharmony, creating another and crisis and sending the family to adaptation phase of the resiliency model.

The Adaptation of the Resiliency Model


  • Takes into account "The inadequate and/or deterioration in family patterns of functioning."
  • Situational Appraisal was expanded to include meaning, paradigm, schema, and coherence.
  • Family Resources was expanded to include social, kin, family, and community support.

Weber, J.G. 2010. pp 173 and 178.

  • Was found to be as effective as the best anti-depressant medication in terms of immediate relief
  • Better than the best anti-depressant for permanent relief
  • Does not need to be used with an expereinced therapist

Image 4



How our Brain Works

Our brain has been programmed to keep our body alive by following specific pathways to trigger the most effective response.

Pathways of Stress Response

The bodies internal survival plan that originates in the brain

Resources are a form of support that can come from friends, family, schools, doctors, therapists, community and church. These are the people and programs in place to assist those in a crisis situation.

Beyond the ABCX Model

Should not be used when:

  • Obvious mood swings are present
  • Individual fantasizes about killing them self or others
  • They see death as their only solution

(Burns, 2010, Introduction)

Sometimes we might feel like the challenges (stress) we face leave us grasping (coping)

for hand holds and doomed to fail.

Immediate Effects Last 2-3 Seconds:

Supplied by epinephrine and noneprnephrine from the sympathetic system.

Intermediate Effects Last 20-30 Seconds:

Supplied by epinephrine and noneprnephrine from the adrenal medulla

Prolonged effects Last Minutes, Hours, Days or even Weeks

Supplied by ACTH, vasopressin and thyroxine neuroendocrine pathways

(R. Allen, 1983)


Counseling With Our Councils

Mood Sheets

Image 5

Image 9

Learning to recognize our thought process and the roots of our thoughts helps us to correct them into healthy and truer thoughts.

Family, marriage, church and community counsels can help in prioritizing and caring for those facing stressful crises by using the Counsel Method the General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints uses to guide their meetings .

Emotional Distress Worksheets

“Mindfulness consists of cultivating awareness of the mind and body and living in the here and now.”

“Our mind, through our intentions and thoughts are the creators of our own happiness and unhappiness.”

The Typology Model of Family Adjustment and Adaptation


Counsel Pattern for Discussion:

1. An agenda is provided to all members no later than the evening before the meeting.

2. Meet at a regular time each week.

3. Meet in a sacred location which is dedicated and protected from evil influences.

4. Before beginning the discussion, express love and appreciation for one another.

5. Open the discussion with prayer, inviting the Spirit of the Lord to facilitate discussion.

6. Discuss each item to consensus regarding the Lord's will on the matter.

7. End with prayer.

8. Share refreshments together.

(Ballard, M.R. 2012)

Hill's ABCX Model

To help further our understanding the the ABCX Model McCubbin and McCubbin added Family Typology to help catagorize the family types. Weber, J. G.,2011.

Intentions shape thoughts and words

Thoughts and words mold our actions

Thoughts and words and actions shape our behaviors

Behaviors sculpt our bodily expressions

Bodily expressions fashion our character

Our character hardens into what we look like

Rythmic Families Regenerartive Families

Resilient Families Traditionalist Families

Applied Refinement


The saying goes, "Sometimes bad things happen to good people." As I child I felt that was unfair. Why couldn't God just always bless those who obeyed Him? Through this class and my experiences I have come to realize that the stress is not a punishment. It is a means to shape, reform, or stretch us into something different. If we use the right tools we will not only survive, but become something stronger and more beautiful than ever imagined.

I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who has labored so diligently into molding me into who I am today. I am honored that he would even expend so much time and energy on my behalf to make me worthy to someday live in His presence.

So, the next time you think, "Why me?" consider first who has brought on the challenge and what you might possibly be able to gain from the experience that would better qualify you for a place in His kingdom.

Less than two years later we feel blessed from our trial and hold sacred the faith the Lord had in giving it to us.

We found new strength in our testimonies, love, and appreciation for each moment we get to enjoy our precious family.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010).

Image 8

Models & More

"A crucible is a furnace-like vessel that endures intense heat that refines and transfigures raw materials into a new stronger substance. The crucible purges away impurities and unifies elements into an entirely new final product." Robinson, 2012.

Just like there is more than one way to climb a mountain, there is more than one way to dissect family stress and coping. These scholars do a great job of building upon each other.

In November of 2014 our family typology was defined. Our 4th child was born with acute pulonary hypertension. Rather, the blood vessels around his lungs were consrticted and would not pick up an carry the oxygen he was breathing in.

At 2 days old they told us he was failing fast and our only option was something called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). They would basically shut off his heart and lunges to give them time to heal and make the machine oxygenate and circulate his blood.

Image 3

Scientist have spent years trying to diagram the effects of stress on families in an effort to determine what makes some families stronger through their challenges and other digress. Here are a few of the models they have come up with.

Image 2



"Families, in their diverse ways, must structure their lives to carry out essential tasks for the growth and well-being of their members. To deal effectively with crises and persistent adversity, families must mobilize their resources, buffer stress, and reorganize to fit changing conditions."

Walsh, 1998. pp 79

"Belief systems are at the core of all family functioning and are powerful forcesin resilience. We cope with crisis and adversity by making meaning of our experience: linking it to our social world, to our culturaland religious beliefs,to our multigenerational past, and to our hopes and dreams for the future."

Applied Resources

Applied Beliefs

Walsh, 1998. pp 45

Our faith was tested. Blessings with inspired words of healing were offered only to have conditions worsen the first 2 days.

A loving Bishop announced a ward fast that quicly spread to family and friends around the country. Stake leaders came and gave my husband and I blessings.

We were forced to recognize if we truly believed in eternal families as this son might only be ours in heaven.

We worked hard to coordinate our available resources:

  • Family to fly in and help
  • Play dates for the other kids
  • Meals from the Relief Society
  • Keeping school teachers informed
  • Taking time to relax in the Ronald McDonald house
  • Researching medical terminology so we could understand the doctors at rounds

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