ICTC didn't need to build a cybersecurity competition from scratch. Instead they became a centre of excellence within the US Air Force Association's international Cyberpatriot competition, which is in its 11th year.
nation based, militarized
Who runs CyberTitan? ICTC!
Educational Initiatives
CyberTitan is ICTC's latest digital initiative focusing on helping Canadians discover oppotunities in the digital economy.
How does the competition work?
Why participate in this competition? You can look at this from two sides:
This is what got me thinking about a cybersec component in my program:
The field of cybersecurity is DESPERATELY UNDERSERVED! You'd be doing your students a big favour by introducing them to a job field that requires human ingenuity to battle human cruelty and greed. No AI is taking this job away any time soon!
Canada is responding...
If we're going to spend so much of our time learning and being informed & entertained by digital means, then we have to consider cybersecurity to be a VITAL 21st CENTURY FLUENCY, so every student should learn it.
What we actually need:
- a wide range of hands on skills
- college, university and even trades & military options!
Traditional Cybersec:
- university comp-sci
- post grad, Ph.D.
- theoretical
- not really in demand
Attending the national finals showed me how bad the need is for cybersecurity professionals... and how important ICT has become.
This presentation will show you HOW TO CYBERTITAN! Giving your students an exciting and accessible way to engage in the rapidly expanding and engaging world of Cybersecurity! to get started in the student CYBERTITAN competition!
2017-18 Cyberpatriot/CyberTitan
Round 3 (State finals):
So what happened to us? I got 4 volunteers from my senior computer engineering class and made this their ISU. They were responsible for getting ready and self organizing into roles. They were also responsible for DOCUMENTING THEIR PROCESS (we're using it this year!)
Round 2:
Round 1:
"Still a challenge, but we knew what to expect this time and managed our time accordingly"
"Where the hell did that come from?!?"
It ramps up quick! Prep as much as you can each time and learn from each round. Especially focus on team roles and time management - you have to be both efficient AND knowledgeable to survive!
"Well, that was easier than
we thought it would be!"
The (free!) tools
UGDSB is one of only 4 Ontario school boards participating in it!
In virtual images teams of students search for exploits in Windows 8.1, 10 and Server and in Ubuntu Linux.
Then they build secure networks in Cisco Packet Tracer...
Students in the Program
Ontario is woefully under represented in this competition! New Brunswick (population smaller than Burlington) has 20x more teams in it)
What is a virtual machine?
Intermediate & Senior
If your PC is powerful enough (and modern PCs all are) it can run operating systems inside of operating systems!!! You can have a Windows 10 PC running Apple OSx in a virtual machine - it will behave like an Apple in all ways, but it's running on Windows like an application!
CyberPatriot gives you
hacked Windows images
to analyze and clean up.
This year's competition: ROUND 1 (Nov 2nd, 2018)
Round 2: Dec 7, 2018
Over six thousand three hundred teams competing from around the world this year in Cyberpatriot
Student engagement in Cyberpatriot...
Encourage our middle and secondary schools to give CyberTitan a go!
What would be the benefits of advancing CyberTitan within our board?
- Raise user awareness around privacy, security and data best practices.
- Offer a high-demand career path to interested students.
- Incease up time and reduce wear on the network due to incurssions?
- Encourage an understanding of our data systems as a critical infrastructure
So what happened last year?
... isn't a problem!
1 Platinum &
2 Gold level finishes!
The State Round is Jan 11th
How'd we do?
Round 1 of Cyberpatriot 2019 on Friday, November 2nd
falcontech Cybears finished 11th in Canada!
falcontech Cybeavers finished 35th in Canada
falcontech Terabytches finished 40th in Canada
It's CyberTitan time!
- Teach students how to identify threats
- Compete in CyberTitan/Cyberpatriot
- Use those skills to spread good digital hygene
- open up career pathways into a desperately underserved field
There were 90 Canadian teams in this round of Cyberpatriot
- Teach good digital hygiene from the moment you begin using digital learning tools
- Encourage students to understand how fluid online information can be
- Teach students to manage technology and not be managed by it
- Mentor the most interested students with CyberTitans in intermediate grades
Cisco Packet Tracer:
VMware Virtual Machine:
Microsoft Imagine: