How is human activity affecting the amazon rainforest?
‘'An international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment’' CEO Carter Roberts
The Water and Carbon Cycles
This video
shows how deforestation affects the
carbon cycle
The Amazon's local
''Some native tribes have staged protests, pressured the government, and fought on the ground to secure their rights. Some have also formed alliances with environmental and indigenous-rights organizations, which have helped them to form their own nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), enabling them to enlist further outside backing.''
If current rates continue by 2060 there will be no rainforests remaining.
No trees = No habitats = No small animals
No small aniomals = No food for predators=
No big predators = Collapse od eco-system.
-Unsustainable Economic Demand
Every hour an area 684 times
larger than the New Orleans Super Dome,
Work to ensure that rare and endangered species are shielded from habitat destruction, poaching and other serious threats