Recommendation of References
- Use in cardiac rehabilitation in patients with congestive heart failure.
- Use in Geriatric assessment to assess the level of functioning in all aspects of his/her being and the patient’s support system.
Application of Care, Core, & Cure in Nursing
- Based on the theory that nursing
care can and does significantly aid in the patient’s recovery
Geriatric Assessment Tool: An Application of Core, Care and Cure Model
Major Concepts
Pokorny, 2010, pg. 61 & Cosejo-Oloresisimo, 2012
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Patient is 16 years of age or older and past the acute stage of a long-term illness.
- Patient is the source of energy and motivation for healing.
- Health is inferred as a state of self-awareness with conscious selection of behaviors that are optimal for that individual.
- The concept of society/environment is dealt with in relation to the individual and providing an environment that is conducive to self-development.
- Unique to Hall and not influenced by her contemporaries.
- Completely and simply logical.
- Lack of rigidity may not be usable with nurses unprepared for minimal structure.
- Self-imposed age and illness requirements limit the generalization to all nursing.
Gonzalo, 2011 & Gordon et. al, 2010, pg 57
- The patient holds the motivation and energy necessary for healing.
- The three aspects of nursing should be viewed as interrelated.
- The three aspects interact-- the circles change based on the patient’s progress.
Identification of
Lydia E. Hall
Hall's Background
Hall's Model
- Established the Loeb Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation at Montefiore Hospital in Bronx, New York.
- Provided direct care to patients and coordinated needed services.
- Practice model was validated over a 5 year-time with a reduction in hospital readmission.
- Worked with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1941-1947
- Fordham Hospital School of Nursing faculty 1947-1950
- Faculty position at Teachers College
- Involved in U.S. Health Service research activities
- Provided volunteer service to New York Board of Education, Youth Aid, & other community associations
- Received the Teachers College Nursing Alumni Award in 1967
Hutchinson & Donaldson, 2006
- Born in New York City September 21, 1906
- Graduated 1927 - York Hospital School of Nursing in Pennsylvania
- Bachelor of Science in 1937 & Master of Arts in 1942 from Teachers College, Columbia University
- Died February 27, 1969 of heart disease in Queens Hospital of New York
Philosophical Underpinnings
Care, Core, & Cure
Gonzalo, 2011 & Gordon et. al, 2010, pg. 56-57
- Three aspects of the person as patient: person, body, and disease.
- The focus of nursing is the provision of intimate bodily care, which is divided between the three aspects.
- Nursing is a professional interpersonal process.
Gordon, et. al, 2010, pg. 56-57
Care, Core, Cure
Theoretical Influences
- Harry Stack Sullivan - interpersonal behavior
- John Dewey - teaching and learning
- Carl Rogers - communication
- Hans Selye - organ system relationships with stress
Gordon et al., 2010, pg. 60
Lydia E. Hall - Care, Core, Cure
Joni Adelman