The Psychology of Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction through Socioeconomics
Drug Addiction through Genetics
What causes addiction?
Drug addiction is a product of genetics, as well as poor social, economic, and psychological factors.
- Researchers report genetic abnormalities in dopamine systems that are correlated with addictive tendencies prior to addiction
- The children of addicts are 8 times more likely to develop an addiction.
- Abnormalities in certain genes cause certain people to react differently to drugs
- Most countries have legislation which brings various drugs and drug-like substances under the control of licensing systems
- Illegal drug production has several effects
- Users find it hard to get drugs
- When they can find drugs, they aren't always safe to use, and are usually expensive
- When they are expensive, poverty among users is more prominent
- Causes organized crime
- Many of these effects play a role in the cycle of addiction
Drugs and their dependence
The Family Tree
Those who are related to addicts are 8 times more likely to be addicted to drugs. It is seen that addiction can run in families, suggesting it has a root cause in genetics.
The Cycle of Addiction
Drug Addiction through Psychology
The importance of Drug Addiction
Other Theories on the cause of Addiction
Opponents say addiction is a choice, not a disease.
- Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter of the reward system in the brain. It plays a role in regulating movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure.
- When the user is exposed to stimuli associated with the drug, the experience an urge to procure it. (i.e a smoker wanting to smoke when in their car)
- Operant conditioning is exhibited in drug addicts as well as laboratory mice, rats, and primates; they are able to associate an action or behavior.
- A reductions in D2 DA receptors in the striatum are associated with reduced activity of the orbitofrontal cortex (region involved with salience attribution and motivation and with compulsive behaviors.)
- Although the brain changes during drug use, this is not evidence of a disease. This happens in normal use, such as meditation altering monks brains.
- They have chosen to alter their brain
- It is not truly compulsive because they can stop
It is important to understand why addicts use the drugs they do. Chris Herren recently came to our school and posed the question "Why can't you be you?." This brings up the question whether addicts are addicted to the escape or the drug. These questions aren't always being addressed, and many believe that drug addiction is purely a physNo matter what they're addicted to, it is important to understand the causes of addiction and the treatments that will help those in need.
The Striatum
The striatum helps coordinate body movements with motivation. It can be as simple as controlling fine-motor functions, or as complex as inhibiting one's behavior depending upon social interactions