What school will you pick?
- Safety School - You are above the averages and you will get in.
- Match School - You fit the average accepted student. You should get in.
- Dream School - You are lower than the average student, you have a 50% chance or less of getting in.
Based on this information, you will research a few schools and determine - what school would I like to attend for University? Share with your AVID teacher.
- Average Accepted GPA and SAT scores *not the minimum to apply.
- UCLA - 1370 SAT score & 4.31 GPA
- Cal Poly SLO - 1300 SAT score & 3.92 GPA
- PLNU - 1210 SAT & 3.79 GPA
- Can you get in? What is the acceptance rate?
- UCLA - 17%
- Cal Poly SLO - 31%
- PLNU - 79%
- Student Life
- Diversity - demographics of student population
- Organizations
- Sports
- Resources on campus
- Study Abroad Programs
- Does cost make a difference
- Are you eligible for financial aide? Merit Based?
- Will you be applying for scholarships? sports based? need based?
- Does the school provide financial aide?
- Public Cost vs. Private Cost?
- UCLA $13,000
- PLNU $33,000
- Cal Poly SLO $10,000
- In State vs. Out of State?
- UCLA (out of state) $29,000; Cal Poly SLO $12,000
- Living on Campus vs. Commuting?
- Room and Board at UCLA $16,000; PLNU $10,000; Cal Poly SLO $13,000
Picking the Right University
Interests and Majors
- Do they offer your major?
- UCLA ~ 150 majors
- Cal Poly SLO ~ 60 majors
- PLNU ~ 35 majors
- Are you unsure of what you want to study? When do you have to declare your major?
- Do they offer research and internship opportunities?
School Size?
Big? Medium? Small?
- Big - University of California Los Angeles - UCLA
- undergraduate ~45,000 students
- Pros - a lot of resources (student organizations, clubs, sports, people), big libraries, more variety of people
- Cons - Big class sizes, overwhelming, less one-on-one, you have to find resources, TAs teaching courses and not professors
- Medium - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo - Cal Poly SLO
- Pros - More balanced (resources, student organizations), small enough to find friends, large enough to find activities that fit you.
- Small - Point Loma Nazarene University - PLNU
- Pros - smaller classes, access to faculty, easier to join sports.
- Cons - fewer majors, too small, less people
AVID 2018
- How far or close do you want to go?
- Across the country? Stay in California? San Diego?
- Is climate a factor for me?
- Rural or Urban?
- Cal Poly SLO? Sonoma? UC Berkeley? UCLA?
Finding Your Dream School
- Where should I live?
- Do I want a big school or a small school?
- Do they offer what I want to study?
- Does cost matter?
- Are there extracurriculars for me?
- Am I academically ready for this university?