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Case study
- Landed a job with a prestigious company
- Had the right personality traits and qualifications to achieve at a high level
- Was stereotyped and overlooked due to her ethnicity (Chun, 2011)
How to Prevent Stereotyping
- Get-to-know-eachother session
- Aim is to replace stereotype with a person
- Find common grounds
- Continual positive reinforcement
- Staff recognition
- Praise given to the group as a whole
- Promotion and bonuses ALWAYS be based on merit and performance
- High performers can contradict stereotypes
- Stereotyping results in discrimination which is illegal and regressive behaviour
- Employment may have to be terminated
Effects of Stereotyping on Employees
- Negative personal effects such as forming unfaithful opinions of people, scapegoating and judgementalism.
- It can prevent emotional identification, cause distress and impaired work performance. (Law Teacher, 2014).
- Can make victims more aggressive and lack self-control.
- Victims are unable to make rational decisions and more likely to over-indulge on unhealthy foods. (Macintosh, 2010)
Effects of Stereotyping in the Workplace
- Creates a hostile workplace, and can form negative relationships between co-workers.
- Limits management’s ability to make the best use of their employee’s skills.
- Can lead to a decrease in productivity, increase in dissatisfied customers and a reduction in revenues.
A stereotype free workplace
3 Reasons People Engage in Stereotyping
There are three reasons which may influence the way people may engage in stereotyping.
- Categorisation
- Homogenisation, and
- Differentiation.
Why Do People Stereotype?
Individuals are more inclined to engage in stereotyping when:
-information they have on people is limited
-or even from a lack of motivation.
What is Stereotyping
Andreas Bye, N9260943
Petra Evans, N9184660
Nice Harvey, N9271546
Brianna Walker, N9191887
Maya Sailovic, N8868093
Stereotyping can be defined as:
"The perceptual process in which we assign characteristics to an identifiable group and then automatically transfer those features to anyone we believe is a member of that group” (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione, 2013, p. 78)
Tutor name: Anne Halton
Semester 2
- What stereotyping is and why we do it
- Consequenses from stereotyping in a workplace
- What can be done to prevent stereotyping