arguments supporting Euthanasia
Ana Diaz
Types of Euthanasia
Dr Jack Kevorkian
The legacy of 'Dr Death' Dr Jack Kevorkian
- Michigan Pathologist
- Also Known as "Dr. Death
- Invented a death machine
Terri Schiavo
December 3, 1963-March 31, 2005 (aged 41)
Works Cited
Arguments that support Euthanasia.
- It ends the patient suffering form pain
- It also helps shorten the grief and
- suffering of the patients loved ones.
- It allows the patient to take back the control in deciding whether to life or to die.
- The cost to keep a person alive through means of modern technology and medication can be very expensive.
Thank You!
Places where Euthanasia is legal
In the U.S, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, New Mexico and Montana
Arguments opposing Euthanasia.
- It affects other people's rights.
- It weakens society's respect for the sanity of life.
- It is murder.
- It is against the word and will of God.
- Gives too much power to the doctors.