Abrahamic Faith's Venn Diagram
- Main Location: Europe, North America, South America
- Most influential religions in world history.
- Birth of Jesus: Virgin Birth
- Resurrection By Jesus: denied
- Place Founded: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- Sacred Texts: Qur'an, and Hadith
- Main Location: Middle East, North America
- Original Language: Arabic
- Religious Professionals: Sheikh; imam
- Type of Theism: Strict Monotheism
- Human Nature: Born in a state of purity, imperfect, yet capable of seeking God and doing good.
- Purpose of Life: Submit to the will of Allah and attain paradise after death
- How to Live: Follow the Qur'an, Hadith, and Five Pillars of Islam.
- Theism: Strict Monotheism
- Second Coming of Jesus: affirmed
- Other spiritual Beings: Angles and demons
- God: Yaweh, the Holy Trinity
- Place Founded: Mesopotaimia
- Founder: Jesus of Nazareth
- Sacred Texts: Torah, Tanakh, Talmud
- Main Location: Israel, Europe, USA
- Original Languages: Aramaic, Latin, Greek
- Original Language: Hebrew
- Religious Professionals: Priests, Bishop, Archbishop, Deacon, Preacher, Minister, Pastor, Patriarch, Pope.
- Type of Theism: Trinitarian Monotheism
- Ultimate Reality: One God
- General Practices: Baptism, Bible Study, Chaplains, Beliefs, Confirmation, Communion, Exorcism, Faith, Fasting, Holidays, Marriage, Prayer, The Sign of the Cross, Sunday Services, Tithing.
- Human Nature: Created good
- Purpose of Life: Obedience to God
- Beliefs: God, The Bible, The Human Condition, Jesus Christ, The Work of Christ, The Church, Christian Living, Christ's Return, Response and Eternal Destiny.
- How to Live: believe in God, atone for sin
- Death of Jesus: death by crucifixion