- Taco Bell is a Mexican American fast food chain
- Glen bell created and opened the first Taco bell in Downey, Carolina on March 21, 1969.
- Before Glenn Bell created Taco Bell he started Bells Drive-in and Taco Tia in t San Bernardino, CA
- Past ad campigns and ads include "think outside the bun and also the "yo quiero taco bell" ads
- Due to numerous misfortune events in 2011 it was best for Taco Bell to Rebrand itself.
Logo was changed from color to black and white and the slogan was changed from "think out side the bun" to "Live Más"
- The Dorito Loco Taco; combines two well known foods to create one unique item that no other location has
Create a fresher more a gourmet dish to rival other mexican fast food resturants
Albert Castañeda
Eduardo Castillo Jr.
Stradegy (cont'd)
- Deliver information through social networking, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube
- http://goo.gl/stguh
- https://twitter.com/TacoBell
- http://www.youtube.com/user/tacobell
The Ads
Reasearh /History