"The point of this movie is to raise questions, not to answer them."
Meet: Michelle
Michelle: Music
- quiet girl, works in the library
- first to die
- In the locker room
- can hear her being made fun of
Irreversible Consequences
Michelle: Filming
- Bullying
- Death
- Parents Influence
Irreversible Actions:
Personal Detachment
A Story of the
Columbine Shootings
- closeup
- 3rd person
- profile view - emotions
- red shirt
- shallow focus
- character proxemics -girls behind her in frame: on her shoulders
Meet: John and Acadia
Irreversible Consequences
and Personal Detachment
John and Acadia: Filming
John and Acadia: Music
Personal Detachment:
internalizing emotions
Samantha Carlson
International Film and Music
January 2012
- closeup
- camera angled to his side
- 3rd person
- shallow focus
- Acadia walks in from the left - standard
- no camera movement
- Power of lack of music
- What do we hear?
Dramatic Effects
- sigh
- holding back tears
- kiss
Elephant in the Room
Meet: Alex and Eric
Meet: Brittney, Jordan, and Nicole
Play 00:15:45 - 00:16:25
Absence of Music in Elephant
Watch for the use of red and yellow - color symbolism
Filming and Music
piano lessons, grown to dislike piano
- bulemic, eat lunch together and throw up together
- medium shot to show all three girls
Personal Detachment
Zooming in
Closeup shows facial expressions
The Shooting: Music
The Shooting: Filming
Final Scene: The Shooting
Back of his head
dark lighting creates uneasy mood
- Audience experiences the shooting
- Permanent consequences, oblivious?
- Ending of the movie
- Natural sounds - birds
- Classic horror film electronic and synthesized sounds
- No beat or rhythm
- Mood
- Shallow focus
- Lighting
- Camera follows
- Zooms away from Eric
Hildegard Westerkamp
- Composer, Radio Artist, Sound Ecologist
- Works not originally written for Elephant
- Taking music and putting it in an environment it was not originally created for...fits in with movie
- Van Sant also used her works in another film, Last Days
Scene 5: Planning the Act
Music: Beethoven
Planning the Act: Filming
-Boys looking at a map of the school
-Foreshadowing clips
-Theme: Irreversible consequences...
- Piano: dramatic, lonely
- Tempo slower than it is supposed to be
- Harmony: minor cords
- Tone: sad and melancholy
- Volume gets louder when it shows video games
-Worm's eye POV
-Facial expressions
- Symbolic area of the frame - top center
- Foreshadowing clips create suspense
-color symbolism revealed
Play 00:48:30 – 00:49:00 and 00:50:00 – 00:51:00
Moonlight Sonata
Planning the Act: Music
First movement
dark, whisper-like
-Fits well with the movie
-Lack of music
-Focus on tones of voices