Chicken wing:
Fat under the skin of the chicken leg
Anterior side of the chicken wing
- The skin of the chicken wing was tough, bumpy, pinkish in color, and rubbery/stretchy.
- Anterior: the anterior side of the chicken wing wing differed from that of the posterior side. It had bumps from on the skin from where feathers would have been, and it was also thicker than the posterior side.
- Posterior: the posterior side of the chicken wing was thinner than that of the anterior side, and did not have any bumps on the skin.
- The skin is attached to the below muscle layers by fibrous connective tissue called fascia.
- Connective tissues are in between the skin and the muscles. They were white and very thin.
- We did notice that there was some fat under the skin that was yellow and thicker than the fascia.
Chicken Leg:
Posterior side of the chicken wing
- The skin of the chicken leg had some similarities, as well as differences in comparison to the chicken wing.
- There were bumps on the anterior side of the chicken leg as well, and no bumps on the posterior side.
- When we peeled back the skin, we noticed right away that there was a significant amount of more fat covering the under layer of the skin than on the chicken wing.
- An aponeuroses are sheets of connective tissue that are made up of broad fibrous sheets.
- Fibers in a tendon can intertwine with the tendons in a bone's periosteum, attaching the muscle to the bone.
- Fascia is layers of connective tissue that separate an individual skeletal muscle from adjacent muscles and hold it in position.
- The appearance of fascia is very thin and transparent. It surrounded and covered the muscles in the chicken's wing, as well as in the leg.
Muscles and their actions:
Homologous bones:
Chicken wing:
Chicken leg:
Chicken Wing:
- biceps brachii: flexor/flexes the forearm at the elbow and rotates the hand laterally
- brachialis: flexor/flexes the forearm at the elbow
- brachioradialis: flexor/flexes the forearm at the elbow
- triceps brachii: extensor/extends the forearm at the elbow
- biceps femoris: flexor/flexes the leg and extends the thigh
- semitendinosus: flexor/flexes the leg anextends the thigh
- semimembranosus: flexor/flexes the leg and extends the thigh
- sartorius: flexor/flexes the leg and the thigh, abducts the thigh, rotates the thigh laterally, and rotates the leg medially
- quadriceps femoris group(include the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and the vastus intermedius): extensors/extends the leg at the knee
- The humerus, ulna, and radius in the chicken wing are all homologous to those of a human's.
- The proximal bone in our specimen was the humerus.
- When the humerus articulates with the body, it forms a ball and socket joint, which in this case would be the shoulder.
- The distal bones are the ulna and the radius.
- When the ulna and radius articulates with the humerus they form a hinge joint, which in this case would be the elbow.
Fascia covering the muscle in the chicken leg
Chicken Leg:
- The femur, tibia, and fibula in the chicken leg are all homologous to those of a human's.
- The proximal bone in the chicken leg was the femur.
- When the femur articulates with the body it forms a ball and socket joint, which in this case would be the hip.
- The distal bones in the chicken leg were the tibia and the fibula.
- When these bones articulate with the femur, they form the knee, which is a hinge joint.
Investigating the Systems of
Support and Movement
- The movements that were possible when we moved the bones at the hinge joints were extension and flexion.
- The movements that were possible when we moved the bones at the ball and socket joints were full rotation, including adduction and abduction.
Connections at Origins vs. Insertions
- The origin of a muscle is the immovable end. The end of a skeletal muscle fastens to the other side of the joint.
- The insertion of a muscle is the movable end. The other end connects to a movable part on the other side of the joint.
- When a muscle contracts, its insertion is moving toward its origin.
- Muscles can have more than one origin or insertion.
Chicken wing:
Chicken leg:
- Biceps brachii: origin-scapula; insertion-radius
- brachialis: origin-humerus; insertion-ulna
- brachioradialis: origin-humerus; insertion-radius
- triceps brachii: origin-humerus; insertion-ulna
- biceps femoris: origin-femur; insertion-tibia and fibulasemitendinosus: origin-ischial tuberosity; insertion-tibia semimembranosus: origin-ischial tuberosity; insertion-tibia
- sartorius: origin-iliac spine; insertion-tibia
- quadriceps femoris group: origins- spine of ilium and acetabulum, femur and greater trochanter, femur, femur; insertions- patella
The biceps brachii originates in the scapula and inserts in the radius
Chicken Leg ball and socket joint(femur articulating with the body to form the hip)
by: Danielle Sindyla and Yasmeen Shafik
Chicken Wing
Chicken Leg:
Ball and socket joint is formed when the humerus articulates with the body to make the shoulder
Bone marrow inside of the bone in the chicken leg
Red bone marrow inside of the broken humerus
- The bone forming the ball and socket joint is the femur, when articulated with the body
- The bones forming the hinge joint are the tibia and the fibula, when articulated with the femur.
- The bones and joints in the chicken leg are larger than in those of the wing.
- The bones and joints resemble those in a human's leg.
- The muscles were darker than those in the chicken wing. They were a dark red, rather than pink like in the chicken wing.
- The chicken leg had more fat under the skin than the chicken wing.
- The bone forming the ball and socket joint is the humerus, when articulated with the body.
- The bones forming the hinge joint are the ulna and the radius, when articulated with the humerus.
- The bones and the joint are smaller in the chicken wing than in the chicken leg.
- The bones and joints resemble those in a human's arm.
- The muscle's color was lighter than the chicken leg's. It was more of a pink color than a dark red.
- The wing's and the leg's proximal bones both formed a ball and socket joint when articulated with the body.
- The wing's and the leg's distal bones both formed hinge joints when articulated with the proximal bones.
- The proximal bones of the wing and leg were both surrounded by muscle, skin, blood vessels, and fascia.
Hinge joint is formed when the ulna and radius articulate with the humerus to make the elbow
The Long Bone:
- The bone that we decided to break was the humerus. When we finally broke the bone in half, we were able to observe the various structures inside of the long bone.
- As soon as we broke open the bone, a small red gel-like substance came out of the hollow tube inside the bone. This was red bone marrow, and the tube it fell out of was the medullary cavity.
- Red blood marrow produces the body's red blood cells, and is made inside bones in the medullary cavity.
- The long bone is composed of compact bone and spongy bone so the bone can maintain a light weight and so it is able to protect everything within the bone.
Proximal Joint of Chicken Wing:
- The bone is showing where the butcher made the cut
- Muscle and skin is surrounding the bone, except for on the top where the bone is fully showing.
- Connective tissues, blood vessels, and muscle surround the proximal joint and the bone.
Appearance of functions of structures:
- We can see that the wing extends and flexes because of the different muscles, ligaments, and tendons throughout the chicken's arm.
- The main muscle, or the agonist, seemed to be the biceps brachii which did most of the movement within the arm.
- The biceps brachii was thick and originated in the scapula and was inserted in the radius.
- The same went for the chicken leg, but in this case the prime mover/agonist was the rectus femoris.
- The rectus femoris was also a thick muscle and originated in the spine of the ilium and the acetabulum and was inserted in the patella.