- "Uphold the rights of individuals to keep bear arms"
- Want more public land for hunting
- Want to stop lawsuits against gun manufactures
- Will protect the right to bear arms
- State that if criminals are behind bars then they cannot harm anyone
- Support the death penalty
- Inflict harsher penalties for more serious crimes
- Want to protect victim's rights
- Want to balance economic development and private property with conservation goals
- Want people to have public access on public lands to hunt, fish, and do other recreational activities
- Want the security of private property to be protected by the owner
- Believe in creating a cleaner environment and supported president Bush's "Clear Skies" proposal
Main issues
Gun control-
Symbol and slogan
Main Beliefs
The elephant was first used in 1874. It is a political cartoon drawn by Thomas Nast
- Believe each person is responsible for their own place in society
- Believe in a strong national defense
- Believe in immigration policies and putting more security into our borders
- Believe strongly in gun rights
Republican Party
Famous member
7 facts associated with Republicans
Adam Sandler is a known
Republican. He donated
$2100 to a Republican named
Rudy Giuliani for his presidential
campaign in 2007
- Party was founded by the northern states in 1854 by anti- slavery activists
- Often referred to as the GOP (Grand Old Party)
- There have been 18 republican presidents to date with Abraham Lincoln being the first
- Currently in the 114th congress. There are 244 house and 54 senate republican
- In 2012 there were 30.7 million members registered
- The republican platform is based on American Conservatism
- Currently on their website their is a pledge to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president
After the Civil War the Republicans were perceived as the winning party. Now, being a known part of the Federal Government, they were given the name "Gallant Old Party" which became the "Grand Old Party" soon after. Today it is just referred to as GOP.
Graphics from Google and Bing Images