- Greek deon
- obligation
- duty
- Immanuel Kant
- Acting on Duty Regardless of Outcome
- Consequentialism's Foil
- Ends do not justify means
- The consequences of actions do not make the decision right or wrong, it is the motives of the person who carries out the actions
- Carole faced many different duties when making her decision
- Duty to self
- Personal values about what kind of farming is right
- Duties under contract
- She is an employee of Perdue and agreed to a contract
- Duty to her family
- Must provide financial support
- Duty to animals
- Ethical treatment of animals
Deontological Ethics
Meredith Cantwell, Elena Gomez, Kate Hay, Kevin Orndorff, Angela Tran
Deontological Ethics
- Akin to the Golden Rule
- Acknowledges our lack of control over the future
- Individualized based on differing personal experiences
- Allows for personal satisfaction
- Requires duties to be ranked, but how?
- Relativism is not considered
- personal relativism
- cultural relativism
- Consequences of action are deemed unimportant
Case Study - Conflicting Duties
Environmental Health
Case Study
Industrial Chicken Farming
- A case of conflict of duties
- Serious outbreak of a disease that was killing fish in the Pocomoke River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay in 1995 due to excessive runoff from manure spread
- Neighbors who were watermen were becoming ill
- Contract with Perdue was terminated when Carole refused to switch to dark tunnel ventilated chicken houses
- Carole Morison
- Contract chicken farmer for 23 year
- Contract with Perdue
- Inside look at industrial chicken farms