The Honors College at Southern Miss
Where will YOU go?
The Honors College
Southern Miss
What are the benefits?
ENG 101 Active Learning Trip to New Orleans
Active Learning trip to the Delta
Research in all disciplines!
- Research opportunities in all majors!
- Research and academic support
Truman Scholars
- National Scholarship Office
Wait--there's MORE???
Where will this take me?
- Personal Academic Advising
...Do research that improves human lives?
- Designated Honors Housing
Hannah Berman on a study abroad trip in India
Daniel Murin researches Ebola with Scripps Research Institute
Puppy Days, Donuts with the Dean, and More!
The Honor House
...Attend law school, medical school, graduate school at such places as Duke, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Trinity College (Dublin).
- Competitive Scholarship Opportunities
...Shape policy in DC, teach at the K12 or university level?
The Honors College can take you there!
Who are we?
Honors College grads
General Honors
What do I do once I'm there?
- 20 Honors Hours
- 6 Honors Courses
- 2 hours of University Forum
Senior Honors
- 7 Required Hours
- HON 300- 1 hour
- HON 301- 3 hours
- XXXX 492h- 3+ hours
How do I get there?
- Competitive Programs Application
- Minimum 27 ACT
- Minimum 3.5 GPA
General Honors
Senior Honors
- Senior Honors Application
- 3.25 GPA
- 40 Credit Hours
- 6th oldest public Honors College in the nation
- Oldest Honors College in Mississippi
- Average ACT of 2014 freshman class: 29.8
- Average GPA of 2014 freshman class: 3.8
- Path to "Latin Designation" (Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude)