Scorpion vs. Centipede!!
Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Arthropoda are the most biologically successful and abundant animals on earth.
Phylum Arthropoda also includes crabs & shrimp.
Phylum Arthropoda
Arthropoda Information
- 1 million species indentified and an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 individuals alive today. (1 Quintrillion)
- Segmented body covered by an Exoskeleton made of Chitin. Chitin - a derivative of glucose found in many places throughout the world.
- Exoskeleton protects organs on the inside of the body and gives support for the body.
- Since the great variety of Arthropods, they can walk, crawl, climb, hop, fly, glide, swim, skate and dive.
By: Andrew Schultz, Gabe Rodriguez, & Ivan Ortiz
Subphylum Classes
1. Chelicerata which includes spiders and scorpions.
2. Crustacea which includes crayfish, crabs and pillbugs. 30,000 species and are mainly aquatic.
3. Uniramia which includes millipedes, centipedes and other insects.