Produce a leaflet for an environmental campaign to persuade people to car share
Your leaflet should descirbe the advantages and disadvantages of using cars.
Your homework is due next lesson Monday 16th!
Pros and Cons of cars
Overall we have discovered that there are many of pros and cons of cars and how they effect the environment. We believe that we should continue using cars but change the way they affect the environment . we hope you have learned from this.
Air pollution- nitrogen pollution doesn’t actually come from the fuel itself.
Cars are not all good news in 2011 nearly 2000 people died in road accidence in the UK
Petrol and diesel are mixtures of compounds , most of the compounds are hydrocarbons this
means they are made up of atoms of carbon and hydrogen in petrol. When it burns it reacts with oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water:
Octane + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
2C8H18+ 2502 16CO2 + 18H20
Car engines get very hot. At high temperatures nitrogen and oxygen from the air reacts together. In petrol engines the main product of this reaction is nitrogen monoxide.
Oxide of nitrogen
Nitrogen + oxygen nitrogen monoxide
N2 (g) + o2 (g) 2no (g)
In diesel engines the main product is nitrogen dioxide
- The cost of running a car is increasing, especially with the cost of fuel constantly rising. This con however can be negated by car pooling, or choosing a car with a high miles per gallon rate and avoiding driving techniques which promote excessive fuel use which will reduce your fuel bills.
- The high levels of car users on the road, especially during rush hour can lead to lots of congestion, traffic jams and a lack of parking spaces. These factors will all increase your journey time and may lead to high parking charges. When using public transport such as a train or bus you do not need to worry about any parking, there are no traffic jams on the railways and bus lanes make it easier for buses to get through busy city centres.
- This maybe a surprising con for some but compared to air and rail travel, cars are often the slow and expensive option! If you are making a long distance journey you should look into the time and money savings you could make on a plane or train compared to a car.
- Cars exhausts are mixtures of compounds. Most of the compounds are hydrocarbons this means that they are made up of atoms of hydrogen and carbon. Octane is one of the hydrcarbons in petrol.
By Marlow, Kira, Ben, Bruno, Amy, Rachel and Holly.
- It doesn’t cost a lot of money to travel along way as it does going on the train.
- Travelling with your own car means you can travel where you want without having to arrange and pay for further transport from a train station, airport or bus stop to your final destination.
- You can also make any stops if needed and most importantly you can travel at a time that suits you especially if the public transport timetables do not suit your schedule.
- If you are travelling with goods, perhaps your shopping, or suitcase if you are going on a holiday it is easier to transport these in your car rather than using public transport which is not secure and is short of storage space.
- Public transport is known for lots of delays and even cancellations which could disrupt your journey, leave you stranded or result in you running late for your own appointments or arrangements.
By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
- Describe some advantages and disadvantages of cars.