The Abyssinian Crisis
- Mussolini wanted revenge for being defeated by tribesman in Abyssinia
- He wanted fertile lands and resources from Abyssinia
- Military victories for his leadership
most importantly...
- Considered member countries' benefits
- Tried to avoid further conflict
League's failure
- Britain and France's weaknesses as leaders of the League
- The League was WEAK and IMPOTENT
October 1935
Mussolini launched invasion of Abyssinia
- They were in the middle of entangling European relations, therefore it was harder for them to make decisions
December 1934
- They overrode their own benefits over the League and its covenants
- Made Hitler see a chance to defy the League and break the Treaty of Versailles, hence he marched into Rhineland.
banned export of rubber, tin
and metals
- Dispute between Italian and Abyssinian solders at the Wal-Wal Oasis 80 km inside Abyssinia
- They didn't give other member countries much say, making decisions mainly on their own.
- The Council declared Italy to be the aggressor
- The League failed to carry out decisive decisions, hence giving Mussolini the chance to defy the League
- Mussolini claimed this was Italian territory and demanded an apology.
- Sanctions
- Only works if imposed QUICKLY and DECISIVELY
Ban oil exports???
- He used this as an excuse and began preparing an invasion of Abyssinia
- The League didn't follow the covenant of collective security.
- America would not support
- the Suez Canal was not closed
- afraid that this could have resulted in war with Italy
- Member countries' interests would be damaged
- Absence of America's support.
World War II
- British workers would lose jobs
Italy now had time to get enough resources and restore their strength to disobey the League's order.
" We know that four years later we could easily have stopped Mussolini if we had taken the sanctions against Mussolini that were obviously required, if we had closed the Suez Canal to the aggressor and stopped his oil."
--British states man Philip Noel Baker speaking at the very last session of the League in April 1946.
- Abyssinian emperor appealed to the League for help
works cited
- Britain and France wanted to keep good relations with Italy against Hitler
- SECRET dealing between British and French Foreign Ministers
- give Italy 2/3 of Abyssinia to let him stop the invasion
- Hitler marched into Rhineland
"Abyssinia 1935 to 1936." History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Low, David.
"The Man Who Took the Lid off." Cartoon. The National Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
"Mussolini's Triumph." Map. Plunge into History. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Simkin, John. "League of Nations." Spartacus Educaion. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Walsh, Ben. "How Did Mussolini's Invasion of Abyssinia Damage the League?"
Cambridge IGCSE Modern World History Option B: The 20th Century. London: Hodder Eduation, 2013. 44-47. Print.
- British people wanted the League to defend Abyssinia
- A national outcry in Britain
- Americans were disgusted and stepped up exports to Italy
- Member countries lost faith in the League
- Italy kept defying the League's orders.
- British Foreign Minister made a speech about collective security
- question about banning oil sales was further delayed.
- America started to support Italy
The League lost its prestige
"The League stands, and my country stands with it, for the collective maintenance of the Covenant, especially to all acts of unprovoked aggression."
--Speech by Sir Samuel Hoare, British Foreign Secretary,
to the League at Geneva, 11 September 1935
- The League didn't actually take any action
- France was desperate to get Italy's help
- Mussolini annexed Abyssinia in May
"The man who took the lid off",
a cartoon by David Low, 4 October 1935
The League would give Mussolini some of Abyssinia.
September 1935