My Plan of Action Timeline
First Semester at SPC
Spring Semester
Texas Tech
To do list:
- Get masters-2years
- Renew FAFSA
- Scholarships
- Tuition and Fees
- Get into Texas Tech's School of Medicine
- Get my medical degree in anesthesia -4yrs
- Residency-4 yrs
- Graduate from residency and pursue my career as an Anesthesiologist, all thanks to my UB coordinators and teachers(:
- SAT/ACT Tests
- Internship
- Job
- Prom
- Saving
- Scholarships
- Getting things situated with SPC
- Paying for Courses
- Check on FAFSA and Scholarships
- Graduation
- Top 10 of my class
- Dual Credit
- SAT/ACT Tests
- Dual Credit classes
- Counselor visits
- Upward Bound
- Community Service
- US History STAAR
- Scholarships
- Finals
- One year at SPC
- Graduate from HS as a sophomore
- Take online as well as actual classroom classes
- get involved
- meet new people
- have fun
- apply to Texas Tech
- Community Service
- Get recommendation letters
- Scholarships
- Apply for room and board
- Work
Second Semester at SPC
Fall Semester
- Stay on task
- Graduation
- Transfer all credits to Tech
- Counselor meetings
- Apply for FAFSA
- Stay involved
- Make sure everything is prepared for Tech
- Bridge Program
- School Shopping
- Move in day
- Register for Classes
- Pay for books needed
- Summer trip
- Pay for room and board
- Tuition and Fees
- Community Service
- Apply to South Plains College
- Apply for fafsa
- Upward Bound
- SAT/ACT Tests
- Housing Application
- Recommendation letters
- Pharmacy Tech license
- Get a Job
- Dual Credit
- Scholarships