Erosion and Sedimentation
Underground Mine Fires
- the sinking of regions of the ground with little or no horizontal movement is called subsidence
- subsidence occurs when pillars that have been left standing in mines collapse or the mine roof or floor fails
- excess rock from mines is sometimes dumped into large piles called dumps
- running water runs into unprotected dumps and transports sediments into nearby streams
- the sediments may harm water quality and aquatic life
- Fires that start in underground coal seams are one of the most serious environmental consequences of coal mining
- fires can start by themselves when minerals in the coal that contains sulfur are exposed to oxygen
- Often left to burn out by themselves: take decades or centuries to burn out
Soil Degradation
- soil at a mine site is removed and stored for later reuse
- care must be taken to ensure that the upper soil layers are not buried beneath soil layers
- if soil is not removed and stored in separate layers, the soil may be nutrient poor when it is reclaimed
- minerals that contain sulfur may be be found in deeper soil layers
- when acidified soil is returned to a mine site, it may be difficult for plant life to grow
Mining Regulations and Reclamation
Displacement of Wildlife
- Regulated by federal and state laws
- to ensure that contaminants from mines do not threaten water quality, mining companies must comply with regulations of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act
- removing soil from a surface mine site strips away all plant life
- with natural habitat removed animals will leave the area
- Dredging can negatively effect aquatic ecosystems and physically change the bottoms of rivers
- disturbs river bottoms and destroys aquatic plant life
Air and Noise Pollution
The Environmental Impacts of Mining
- The process of returning land to its original or better condition after mining is completed is called reclamation
- Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 created a program for the regulation of surface coal mining on public and private land
- minimize the surface effects of coal mining on the environment
- Also established a fund that is administered by the federal government and is used to reclaim land and water resources that have been adversely affected by past coal-mining activities
- Surface mining can cause both air and noise pollution
- noise is created by he equipment that is used
- most surface mines are not located near urban areas
- U.S operations do not allow dust or noise to exit the area that is being mined
State Regulation of Mining
- Air and Noise Pollution
- Water Contamination
- Displacement of Wildlife
- Erosion and Sedimentation
- Soil Degradation
- Underground Mine Fires
Water Contamination
- states have created programs to regulate mining on state and private lands
- mining companies have to obtain permits from state environmental agencies before mining a site
- permits specify certain standards for mine design and reclamation
- a mining company must post funds, called a bond, before a mining project begins
- if the company does not mine and reclaim the site correctly they must give the bond to the state
- the state then uses the bond to reclaim the site
- state agencies also responsible for inspecting mines to ensure compliance with environmental regulations
- water that seeps into mines or through piles of excess rock can pick up or dissolve toxic substances like arsenic
- can harm/kill aquatic life
- coal and minerals that contain a lot of sulfur can cause a similar problem
- U.S requires companies to dispose of acid-producing rock in such a way that is not contaminated
Section 3: Mining Regulations and Mine Reclamation