The Flood - Genesis 6:5-22
God's Judgment
God's Promise
The Flood
- God promises to establish His covenant with Noah.
- The covenant is God's promise never to destroy earth by a flood; the rainbow is the sign of God's covenant.
- There were 40 days and 40 nights of rain.
- The flood waters continued to rise for 150 days.
- It took another 150 days for the water to recede.
- Noah and his family were on the ark for more than a year.
- Our role is to accept responsibility and confess our sins.
- God's grace and mercy covers over our wickedness. He offers it to us.
- Sin and evil were all around.
- The people in the time of Noah refused to repent.
The Ark
- The ark is made of wood and coated in 'pitch'.
- Pitch assures that the ark will be waterproof.
- The size of the ark is approximately one and half football fields.
- Noah fully trusted in God.
- God extended protection over Noah's entire family.
- God tells His plans to Noah, offering guidance in the construction of the ark.
- God commands Noah to bring animals onto the ark in pairs.
- For animals that are unclean, one pair is brought abroard the ship.
- For animals that are clean, seven pairs are brought abroard the ship.