The Observation Cycle
U.E.T.S. - Utah Effective Teaching Standards
• Year 1 Goals: UETS Standards 3 & 6
• Year 2 Goals: UETS Standards 5 & 7, plus Literacy Reflection
• Year 3 Goals: UETS Elective & UETS Elective, plus Student Work Analysis
Reflective Conversation
Analyze data & reflect on lesson
- Summarize impressions and assessment of the event
- Recall supporting information
- Compare planned with performed strategies/results
- Infer relationship between achievement/strategies
Apply reflection
- Synthesize new learning
- Make a goal to transfer new learning
Summarize your impressions and assessment of the lesson.
- “How did it go?”
- “How do you know?” (data)
- Compare planned with performed teaching decisions and student learning.
- “What will you walk away with?”
- “What will you continue to do?”
- “What will you refine?”
- "What did you do that caused ___ to happen?"
Observation & Data Collection
Data gathered by observing for:
- Evidence of achievement
- Strategies and decisions
- "How did your plan go?"
- Focus on the facts, just the facts.
- Observed behaviors recorded vs. evidence
- How do you know?
- Did students work as well as observable behaviors
- Mapping the classroom
- Management/ Engagement
- Open t-chart
Planning Conference
- Clarify goals and objectives.
- Determine indicators of achievement.
- Anticipate strategies and decisions to achieve goals.
- Identify the data gathering focus and procedure.
The Observation / Coaching Cycle
- Objective - Thumb
- Teacher Behavior - problems? - Pointer
- Student Behavior - Middle
- Assessment - Ring
- Data - Pinkie
1. Planning Conference
2. Observation/Data Collection
3. Reflective Conversation
Purpose of Observations
To encourage Level 1 teachers to develop effective teaching skills and strategies as described in professional teaching standards (e.g. UETS) with help from experienced colleagues.