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Family Emotional Systems Theory

Interactive Role Play

Lindsay Kohler, Wendy Rasmussen and Ingrid Johnson

We are family

Sibling Position

  • Sibling position can provide useful information in understanding the roles individuals take in relationships

  • Functioning sibling postion strongly influences the probability of becoming emotionally traped in the family (Walsh, 2013)

Family Projection Process

Modern Family

The family projection process describes the primary way parents transmit their emotional problems to a child.

Multigenerational Transmission Process

This process follows three steps:


  • Patterns of dysfunction

are passed on

through generations

(1) the parent focuses on a child out of fear that something is wrong with child;

(2) the parent interprets the child's behavior as confirming the fear; and

(3) the parent treats the child as if something is wrong with the child.

("Bowen," n.d.)

  • This concept describes how people manage the unresolved emotional issues by reducing or completely cutting off emotional conflict
  • Emotional cutoff is the way people manage the intensity of the connections between generations

  • The cutoff can be achieved through physical distance or emotional withdrawal

(Walsh, 2013).


  • basic building block of an emotional system
  • fueled by emotionality
  • when anxiety increases and a dyad becomes unstable, one party pulls in a third person
  • can increase stability by relieving pressure and diffusing the anxiety ("Vermont,"n.d.)

high stress &

anxiety in the


Societal Emotional Process

3rd person

relieves pressure


ABC television network. (2014, January 22). Modern Family - Haley's plans for the future [Video file]. Retrieved from

ABC television network. (2015, February 26). Modern Family - Phil and Claire think Haley got married [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube.

ABC Television Network. (2013, December 14 ).Modern family-Crying in car daddy. [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube.

Brown, J. (2008). The Family Systems Institute [Bowen Family Systems Theory and Practice: Illustration and Critique]. Australian and New Zealand journal of Family therapy, 94-103.

The Bowen center, (n.d.). Retrieved from

Walsh, J. (2013). Theories for Direct Social Work Practice (3rd ed). California: Thompson Brooks/Cole.

What are the eight interlocking concepts of bowen family systems theory? (n.d.). Retrieved from

(ABC Television Network,2015 ).

  • Rules that govern social systems can be the same as those that govern behavior in the family system (Walsh, 2013)

Anxiety and the Nuclear Family


  • Four patterns to manage anxiety (Walsh, 2013)
  • Marital conflict
  • Problem functioning in one spouse
  • Impairment in a child or children
  • Emotional Fusion


  • these 8 concepts influence the counterbalance between the life forces of togetherness and individuality
  • greater differentiation of the people in a relationship -> relationship balanced toward individuality
  • less emotional reactivity->less fusion

8 Key concepts for understanding human behavior within the context of the family system


Differentiation of Self

  • Genogram
  • Detriangulation
  • Increasing Insight
  • Education (Walsh, 2013)
  • Ability to differentiate between thinking and feeling self


  • Ability to differentiate from one's family of origin (Walsh, 2013)

As a Bowenian Family Systems social worker, which intervention would you apply to this family and why?

Developed by Murray Bowen,MD

A theory about human behavior that views family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions, interconnectedness and interdependence amongst family members over multiple generations. ("The Bowen Center,"n.d.)

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