Manifest Functions
Latent Functions
- Socialization
- Transmission of culture
- Social control
- Social placement
- Cultural innovation
- Courtship
- Social networks: friends
- Working in groups
- Creation of generation gap: then vs. now
- Political and social integration
- We feel like we are a part of something bigger
- Pledge of Allegiance
Functionalist Perspective
Possible Questions
Structural Functionalism in Education
- How does education contribute to the maintenance and wellbeing of society?
- What are the relationships between education and other parts of the social system?
- Children are judged by same standards
- ex. Tests--> laws
- Most talented get jobs that are most important in society
- Education is necessary for success!
1. Creating social solidarity
2. Teaching skills necessary for work
3. Teaching us core values
4. Role Allocation and meritocracy
Look at the function or role of an institution in society in keeping the social body ‘functioning’ (working) properly.
- Start with general subjects, get more specialized schooling continues
By: Claire Boe
- Today, school focuses more on developing the individual rather than teaching duties and responsibilities that individuals should adopt towards society – it’s more about the individual and less about solidarity
- Negative connotation of "nerd"
- Those that fail at school do not feel as if they belong, and thus reject the values of the school, forming subcultures (gangs -_-)